
How do I improve my work ethic?

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I want to make it so that I don't dislike homework so much. Please don't suggest silly things that would work for a 5 year old. I am a straight A student, but I hate doing homework.




  1. It's hard to say without knowing you more personally, but I'll try my best.  

    The first thing you want to do is establish goals.  Obviously, the overall goal for you is to improve your work ethic.  But why?  You might other goals:  maintain a 4.0, get into a good college, get on high honor roll, get a scholarship.  You need to articulate your personal goals specifically!  From there, you'll have a more specific reason to work harder.  

    After that, you need to find passion in doing your schoolwork.  Your chances of succeeding are much better if you're passionate as opposed to apathetic.  Being passionate about your education, the schoolwork, and knowledge will greatly help your work ethic.  

    Then, you need to eliminate distractions.  Are you working too many hours?  Do you spend too much time watching TV or hanging out with friends?  Are you in too many clubs?  This can be tough because it involves sacrificing stuff you might like to do.  However, a good work ethic entails sacrificing and eliminating distractions.  

    Next, you definitely should hand out with other hard workers.  I used to not have a good work ethic, but luckily I started hanging out with people who work hard.  They involuntarily motivated me to work harder myself.  From them, I could learn more specific and personal strategies to improve my work ethic and efficiency.  Developing a work ethic can definitely be a team game, so don't rule out outside help from other hard workers!  

    Also, you can try to find better guidance to reach your goals.  Speaking to your parents, guidance counselor, or adviser will give you a better idea of what you need to do to reach your specific goals and thus how to put your work ethic into effect.  Work ethics of all kinds need guidance to go in the right direction!  

    Finally, you must persevere!  Never, ever give up!  Working can be tough.  It's hard to watch your friends hanging out while you're working your butt off, but you need to remember to work for the long run.  People with great work ethics don't give up, period.  

    Good luck!

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