
How do I improve @ sprinting?

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This year I've been trying to improve at long distance,and my mile time has definitely improved almost a minute and a half.However,in doing so,my sprinting (100 and 50 meters) has decreased almost a whole second (which is a lot for me.)

I'm in the 8th grade,so I don't expect like times in the low 11's and 10's;but last year when I was in 7th grade I remember getting 12.7 (what a lot of people are getting this year) and recently I've been getting 13.13 (my thighs and calves have been aching and cramping,but they'll be better by tommorow)

Anyways!Why has my time decreased,is it because I've been improving at long distance?How can I improve my sprinting "back to normal"?





  1. Yes it is because of long distance. The muscles in your legs have "fast twitch" for sprints and lots of slow stamina for long distances. You have been improving your slow stamina, so just practice sprinting and you will get better.

  2. I agree with "bicept"--it is because of your distance training.  You need to train you fast twitch muscles by doing sprint intervals.  You probably don't need to run anything longer than a 600m in practice.  Run Fast!

  3. If you want to do sprinting you need to stop doing long distance. The distance races don't require the "fast twitch" muscle fibers that the sprinting races do. So you kinda need to choose one or the other. Lifting weights and really working to get yourself back to sprinting shape will really help. Also not doing distance will help your times improve. Or if you're doing good with the distance running stick with it! :) good luck!

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