
How do I include an animated GIF into my 360 blog?

by  |  earlier

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I created an animated GIF photos ,and I need to know how to post in my 360 blog ,thank you




  1. use my way/i go to view html source in my blog /before this ,i go to and upload my photo.and get any address it say to me./type first addres on html source whitout <a></a> tag.only type <img> tag/ such as this :<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

    you most remove :

    <a href="" target="_blank"><a>

    and only type this section :

    <img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  2. You must have a "web hosting service" or the "address" of the GIF you want to include on your blog page before you can add it to your blog.

    So, here's what you do. You find a "web hosting" service of your choice. After you sign up for it, follow their instructions to "upload" the pictures you want to include to your account--the ones you want to include in your 360 etc.

    Go back to 360 and type up your blog entry, (you should have something typed into your blog space before you include your extra photos--sometimes the HTML won't work if you don't...) Then click on the box at the upper right hand corner (as you are typing in your blog entry) that says "show html" This will show all of the html coding. Then add the html code for the GIF that the web hosting service provides. Since you're adding a picture be sure to add:

    < img src="http:// ........... " >  

    Where the dots are add the picture address. This should bring up your picture. (NOTE: Take out all spaces.)

    Again, where you want to insert your GIF type in < img src="http:// ********* " > (the stars are where you type in the actual source code of the picture--that the web host will provide for you--next to the picture you upload. You will find this on their site). Be sure to take out the spaces next to the quote marks and all other spaces--but *make sure* that the quote marks are there.

    Then, click "save blog" and your picture should show up. It's that easy! :-)

    I use the web hosting service Ranchoweb . com. I started using it when it was free--which it no longer is. (They now charge $10 per year for small time users like me. ;-) I actually don't use it much for 360--I use it more for posting other places.

    Many of my friends use the web hosting service at Photobucket . com. It generates the HTML code for you when you click on a single button. Then all you have to do is copy and paste the code that they generate for you into your blog/chat etc. as explained above.

    If it doesn't work, come back and post what you have done--what you are trying to do and what is happening and I will check back and try to help further okay? :-)


    Thank you for the comment on my 360. I'm so glad it worked! :-)   Hope you have a wonderful day! :-)


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