
How do I increase my boyfriend's s*x drive?

by  |  earlier

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I've been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months now. We're both 23. We've been living together for 8 (with my old roomie) and the last 2 months it's just been us.

I have always had a very high s*x drive and could usually find guys who kept up with me in the past. I think that I'm in love with this guy, we've had an intense connection since the beginning; it just seems right.

For the first 5-6 months, the s*x was phenomenal. We had it about 3-4 times a week (not as much as I'd like, but it works), but now it's extremely rare. If it does happen, he's not into it, just does it for my benefit, and I never get to finish. This situation is upsetting us both as he thinks his p***s is broken. I will still love him unconditionally as s*x is not the main focus, but I don't want to have a sexless relationship.

I'd like some help, I don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance.





  1. ask him what one of his fantasies is, then act it out.

  2. Slip some Viagra into his drink...

    Seriously, if he did have a s*x drive before, but it has diminished, he may need to see a doctor. That isn't normal for a healthy 23 y-o guy. He may have an underlying health problem that he may not be aware of.

  3. try seducding him like kissing him randomly and then heavy makin out and then s*x or try moaning a lot and rubbing ur legs in front of him

  4. the smell of cheese pizza increases a man's s*x drive also the smell of cinnamon. So you could rub cinnamon on your neck or something. It may sound weird but I heard it on the Tyra Banks show and on ellen, lol ..If you go to the websites of ellen's and Tyra's shows it will prob have all the tips, Tyra Banks website defiantly will.

    hope it helps good luck :)

  5. It sounds as though your boyfriend has a brilliant spirit if he will try so hard to make you happy; but this approach is unsustainable. It is hard to pretend to like a thing that you do not.. so it is inevitable that his well meaning charade would give out. It cost more energy than he was able to feed it.

    On the short term, I would go to some trouble to dress significantly more modestly you normally do. Then perhaps switch to an example of the most exquisitely sensuous attire that you own without warning one or two days in a row out of every 2 or 3 weeks. Do not behave differently, act as though you didn't notice the brazen fashion change, and don't make a big scene if he calls you on it. Just carry on the pattern and lap up any attention that ensues. ^_^

    If you are trying to get pregnant together, try to line this strategy up with your estrous cycle at 1x or 2x frequency (just in case! ^_~). If not, then don't put any effort into lining things up.

    Point here being that if you are always fairly sensual, he may start to tune that out. But if it is a sudden, unexpected bloom of temptation this may focus his attention better.

    Yours is also a rare situation where I will not advise pressuring him. Tighten your own belt so to speak and dig your heels in for a campaign of patience. You will succeed in lighting a fire under this man, but it will take some time to learn what ignites him properly!

    Also, talk to him about his likes and his dislikes, both sexual and especially non-sexual. Learn everything beyond what you already know about the little things in life that make him smile. Everyone responds to certain visceral stimuli in a variety of ways. Not all of them will directly help you orchestrate the perfect seduction, but some will and the general patterns that you learn about his interests definitely will.

    If you get stuck for inspiration, I would be interested to help further as well; my email link is in my profile.

    Good luck to you!

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