
How do I increase my vertical jump?

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I'm 16 and 3 months old, play soccer and volleyball, 6foot 125pounds. My vertical jump is about 15 inches. Is there anyway I can increase it in a few months? Does Air Alert 3 Work?




  1. I don't know about Air Alert 3, but what works is explosive maximum jumps aka, swing your arms down and back and jump as high as you can straight up into the air. (this is basically the end of the approach, without the steps before it)  Also do a lot of squats with weight, so you'll be springier.  

  2. alright i am 16, 5'10", 120 pounds. my vertical jump is 24 inches :)

    work your legs! if you go to a gym find a standing calf raise machine and use it until your calves burn! squats are also good, but i recently heard that they aren't important in volleyball, but i'd still do them. do lunges everyday with weights, like a bar or dumbells on each side.

    also, practice your approach. just do it when you're bored so you can fine tune everything, from your steps to your arm movements. everything matters in jumping higher!

    good luck and i hope i helped :)

  3. Forget air alert for now. It can only work for people lacking certain musular ability. You are really light for your height, so I'm assuming you don't have strength training experience. What you need to do is hit the weight room and do squats. If you develop strength first, then plyometric drills like the ones in air alert will be safe and effective. But I'm still not recommending air alert, because I think it has too many reps. Go to for jump training info

  4. Do thiese exercises to increase your over all musle so you will be stonger and faster and you will be able to jump better!

    Wall Squats: Place your back firmly against a wall and bend your knees as tho you are sitting in a chair, hold that position for 60seconds.

    Wall Hits: Take a volleyball in both hands and extend your arms up, face a wall and stand so you are almost touching the wall, jump up and hit the ball against the wall at the peek of your jump, keep going for 60seconds straight and as fast as you can.

    Shuffle Jumps: Mark two parallel lines 10 feet apart, stand in the 'ready position' with the line in between your legs, staying in the 'ready position' shuffle as you would in a game as fast as you can to the other line, when you reach the line extend your arms in the air and jump as high as you can, then shuffle back to the other line and jump, repeat for 60seconds straight.

    Towel Running: On a hard wood floor mark 15 feet, place the towel on the ground at the beginning of the 15 feet. Place your hands on the towel and keep your feet behind you, push off with your feet keeping your hands on the towel well 'walking' you should look similar to a cat. go back and forth as fast as you can for 60seconds.

    Exploding Jumps: On a set of steps place one foot on the step and one foot on the ground. Launch off the step with the foot that is on the step and extend your arms in the air as you jump, quickly change the feet so the foot that was on the step is on the ground and the foot that was on the ground is on the step and repeat as before for 60seconds at a high speed.

    The Almost Push-Up: Place your fore arms on the ground and your toes so you are in the push-up position but insted of on your hands you are on your fore arms, and then hold that position for 60seconds.

    Also you can sprint, jump rope, do sit ups and push ups.

    Good Luck and I hope that I helped!

  5. a trampoline. just use it everyday and you will jump higher.

  6. running up hills backwards actually helps alot

  7. im sorry i have no idea, ive been trying to figure out the same thing to improve my spikes in Volleyball. Hey, if you get a good answer, please email me and tell me what you found out.

  8. Squate, lots of reps increase weight  

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