
How do I increase the consistency of my overhead serve?

by  |  earlier

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I have a strong serve but it only has about a 50% chance of getting in, so any tips?




  1. Its not a strong serve if it doesn't go in.  Take some off the serve and put it in the court.  Once you consistantly put it in and are accurate then slowlly put the mustard back on.  Practice against a wall, pace off teh distance and mark the height of he net on the wall.  practice lots and aim at a small spot on the wall.  if you can serve to a person and not just in your serve is even tougher cause you can target the weaker passers.  this is even better than having a strong serve that you don't know where its going.

    Good Luck.

  2. That is the problem you need to let it weaken a tiny bit, try hitting the ball softer, but the same way, you have too much power!

  3. hi

  4. i would try to hit the ball flat on my hand.

  5. Consider remediating your form; my guess is that you serve hard, yet suffer in accuracy, is this close to correct?

    Start practicing with a slow service and work on Form and nothing else; increase the velocity of your serve Only as Form Allows; keep your "ins" to 80% and adjust your speed as needed.

    Keep your eye on the ball.

    Remember, in volley score you may as well hand over a point for each serve you miss.

    Keep the ball at 15 degress in front of your shoulder when you Hit, DO NOT hit with the ball directly above or behind you, let it drop to the ground, pick it up and go again.

    Keep your foot movement simple, go back to basics if you must, try a two step 1-2 hit, loft the ball 6-7 feet above your head and In Front on you by 1 1/2 to 2 feet, step into it and connect when your hand is at 15 degrees in front of your face and above the forehead.

  6. if you play outdoors your on your own i play indoor volleyball because i live in north texas heres what you do if there is a basket bal rim or something in the center wall aim for it you put your dominate foot in front then take a steo with your non dominate foot toss farr in front of you don't bend your elbow back and put your body into it and hit

    best of luck


  7. hey I saw your ? and thought I'd try to help.

    I had that problem too, when you throw up the ball if its not straight above you don't try to hit it most of the time it won't go anywhere if its not striaght and if you go to to throw the ball  and it doesn't feel right chances are its not so try that .

    And you can also try hitting the ball with your fist insted of with you palm

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