
How do I induce vommiting without sticking a finger in my throat?

by  |  earlier

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I totally accidentily ate some beef in this sauce and I'm a vegetarian, Beef makes me sick for days. So to avoid this I want to just throw it all up right now. Gagging myself doesn't work and I have no money to go buy anything for it. HELP!




  1. I would recommend that you talk to your doctor about it (if the beef makes you sick for days you might be allergic to it) Apart from sticking your finger down your throught theres not much else you can do but I probably wouldn't do that anyway ;)

    Good Luck  

  2. wouldnt the thought of it just make u throw up?

    dont induce puking as a form of weight loss

  3. you can do it by drinkin tons of water but this method is painfully

  4. a tablespoon of ipecac syrup, or tablespoon of castor oil.

    no money?  try handle of a butter knife. kind of the same as a finger, but different. may be eaiser to induce that way.(a slight psycological difference/advantage)

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