
How do I initiate the downswing with the lower part of the body?

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How do I initiate the downswing with the lower part of the body like Mr. Hogan? Just saying knees and hips lead are not doing it for me. Any suggestions?




  1. I just pull the club straight down...the simpler, the better

  2. at the top of the backswing shift your weight to your lead foot, and keep it firm like a post, your hips will then start to open and clear out of the way, and then your shoulders and arms follow......from the ground up

  3. Think of your body as a spring. In the backswing you are tightening the coil and the downswing uncoils. Start uncoiling with the lower part of your body. Your weight starts shifting forward and your hips are turning out of the way your spine starts turning and the arms follow.

    The video demonstrates this very well. You can see his knees and hips starting the swing. His shoulders are still back but they are starting to turn because his hips are turning.

    Thank you for including the video as part of the question. It demonstrates the proper way to swing the club. At least the downswing aspect of it.

  4. I learned my fundamentals from Hogan's book and try to review it whenever my game goes south.  I don't think I can make it any clearer than he does in the video that you provided the link to.  But my swing thought is to initiate the downswing by turning my left hip to the left.  As long as I do that I cannot think about my hands and arms so I don't come over the top.

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