
How do I install Linux Fedora 9?

by Guest59259  |  earlier

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I have an XP Home machine and an external drive with 300GB. Is it possible to install Fedora 9 on the external drive and boot it from there whenever I want to run Fedora 9? The drive is currently unallocated and I know Linux has some weird file systems. Which one is the best one in your opinion? Thanks.




  1. It doesnt sound like you have much experience of Linux so maybe using a live CD would be better

    But if you really want to try it then head this way : -

    ext3 is the standard file system to use with linux

  2. you can do a couple of things.  if you're just looking for linux, ubuntu has WUBI so you can format the drive for windows and use however much you like for linux.  if you really want fedora, try usb booting and just be sure to install to w/e fedora sees your external drive as.  you might do best looking up how linux identifies usb drives on the internet.  of course, that's much easier when you have a liveCD ;-)

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