I had a crippling virus on my computer(Vista HomePremium/OS) that wouldn't allow me to start in safe mode, to boot up or even boot up from a disk. I took out my samsung(sp2504c) hard drive and replaced it with a seagate(barracuda 7200.10), reinstalled the operating system and started from scratch. 1. My problem: I'd still like to use the samsung as my secondary storage device because it still has alot of my files and stuff on it-but I'm afraid that if I re-install it, I'll "re-infect" my computer again before I can scan the samsung with virus software; Also, I really don't know how to do this. Someone else told me not to master/slave the drives- just "unplug your cd rom ribbon cable and interface the infected drive to ide 1 or ide 0". How do I interface the drive to ide 1 ? Thank You.