
How do I invite another guy somewhere without being g*y?

by  |  earlier

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Today(well, actually yesterday,now that it's 1 :30 a.m,Sunday) I met this new guy at my job who went to my old highschool(I graduated last year) and plays soccer and has a full ride to a fancy college(bcuz of soccer). It just so happens that at my church, there are two soccer players who also go to my old highschool. This Friday, the youth group is going to the beach. I want to invite him, but how do I do it without it sounding homo?

I was thinking about:

saying when he's around, "I can't wait until Friday!"

He'll ask me, "Why?"

and I'll say, "Because I'm off and going 2 the beach."

Then he'll be surprised(because I'm black and don't seem like the beach going type....don't start a race thing please...)

and be like, "Oh really? With who? or WTF are u gonna do at the beach? or something like that,

and then I'll be like, Do I look like the beachgoing type?(2 be funny) then say I'm going with my church.

and then I'll be like, "Hey, wanna come?"

Yeah, it's corny and crappy.

I don't back 2 work until Wednesday, so help me out here.




  1. Your story is very amusing. ^_^ Trust me, if you mention the youth group, you won't sound 'g*y'. Just casually ask. If he declines, then don't persist. Just don't say stuff like having fun in the sun, or something stupid. Begin with something like, Are you busy tomorrow? and then he'll say yes or no, and he may ask why. Tell him why anyway, if he doesn't say that.

  2. uh just  say "do you want to come to a youth party at the beach on _____" then like say wat yall will do ect. & **** clucky

  3. hey dude you wanna go to this beach thing for my church?

    something along the lines of that

  4. No, its not too early and its not creepy. It's not like you're asking him out to a dinner and movie alone. That would sort of be weird and g*y this early on. But, asking him to join a group of guys (or people) who are hanging out is nice and cool. He'll probably appreciate you're asking him to join in. So, just be easy-going. Eventhough you just met, when you see him next time just say, "Hey, a few (or bunch) of us are going to the beach on so and so date. And, couple of them play soccer too. Make it a group thing and it'll be ok -- just a bunch of friends hanging out.

  5. I don't see why he would think you're g*y???

    I would ask him if he knows the two soccer players who still go to your old high school. Whether he does or not, you could then say you were just wondering because you are going to the beach to play soccer with them. Then just ask him if he would want to go, too.

    Nothing weird about that. Good luck!! : )

  6. If you two hit it off as friends then don't worry about how it will sound. What you have planned out sounds good. There is nothing wrong with inviting him to something you think he might enjoy and because you both have something in common, soccer and the same high school. Just tell him it will be a bunch of guys from school and church getting together to play soccer at the beach.

  7. lol, it's funny how you have it all planned out

    just ask him to come, if he has any sense he'll know you're not g*y

    unless he's g*y...

  8. no just invite him along. you won't sound g*y at all. he'll probably be happy that someone has invited him somewhere. he may even feel left out if you didn't. your co-workers its not like you met him in a bar

  9. get to know him before hanging out, yes it's far too early, what if he ends up being a clingy depressed emo, you will regret it, theres plenty of time further down the track

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