
How do I join the secret service or something similiar to it but not for the USA?

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I want to join the secret service (or something similiar to it) but not for the USA, like for Italy, Belgium, canada or something (since i have citizenships for those places). Any help would be appreciated.




  1. Of course you must be at least 18, so you have four years to prepare.

    The US secret service is a law enforcement agency, which besides investigating counterfeiting and internet fraud, protects the President and foreign officials.  In many countries, what they call the secret service is really an intelligence agency, like the CIA.  

    The most important thing for either a law-enforcement, or an intelligence career, is to study very hard, and always abide by the law.  They will give you polygraph tests, and you want to be able to say that you have never stolen or used drugs.  Exercise to keep fit and don't smoke or drink.

    You must study the language of the place you want to work, as well as its politics and law.  The library is full of books that will teach you about police and intelligence services, and threats like espionage, assasination, crime and terrorism.

    Being active in a youth organization like HSROTC, the Civil Air Patrol, Police Cadets or the Girl Guides would give a marvelous boost to your career.

    When you are 18, go to college or join the military, police, or get a job with the Federal Government (either here or there).  By the time you are 21, you can be ready to work anywhere you choose.

    I envy you.  There are very few people who know what they want to do at your age. Start to prepare now and you will do great things.

  2. Become very good at something.

    Apply for a position at the intelligence or security service of your choice.

  3. well if you come down to my office, I’m FBI and i can get you the job you want for those of you unaware of serious acronyms that’s federal bikini inspector.

  4. They will likely ask for you to revoke your citizenship to the other countries as first and foremost why would you protect the president of a country if you support more than one?

  5. Call the respective governments you're interested in applying with. One note of caution- I don't know about the countries you've listed, but in the U.S. we wouldn't allow anyone with multiple citizenships to guard our president, just in case their loyalties were split. For example, if you were guarding the Prime Minister of Canada, and for some reason Canada and Belgium declared war against eachother, they'd want to know where you stood.

    But again, I don't know if Canada, Italy, or Belgium would actually have any problems with it. Try looking up the websites of the individual nations, and making your inquiries there. If nothing else, it's very educational to learn how three different countries would approach the same task.

  6. You are14, and think you are going to get a job as a govrernment agent?, I dont care what country you are talking about I would say get a job designing Barbie clothes first, get an education, and maybe someone will eventually consider you. Is it that simple to become James Bond?.

  7. In order to do this you would have to leave the United States - and never come back.

    If you do, you will be considered to be a spy for a hostile intelligence agency and arrested.

  8. First, leave the USA.  Second, go to where you want to work.

  9. Sorry girl, you're on an American board so not too many will know anything about that type of work in another country.  h**l most of the people in this country doesn't know how to get into that possession in this country.  That's why it's called "Secret Service".

  10. move to one of them and ask someone.

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