I am desperate to find an answer on how to balance and juggle everything that's going on in my life right now. I have a stressful full time job that I absolutely hate that doesn't pay well, & an apartment that never seems to be clean enough. On weeknights when I come home from work, I have help b/c my husband will be there to bathe my daughter and spend time with her while i'm cooking and cleaning. We spend almost 1 1/2 hrs trying to put her to bed then it's getting everthing ready for the next day. My only concern is on the weekends when I finally get the chance to spend time with my daughter. She's 2 and boy has time flown. I resent not being able to spend all my time with her but when the weekend comes, there's a million things to do and I feel bad b/c I inadvertantly ignore my daughter b/c I am distracted with other things that need to be done. How do I get chores/errands done & spend quality time with my daughter all at the same time? I really have alot of guilt over this.