
How do I just ignore the fact that my uncles girlfriend is 8 months pregnant, and?

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she smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, drinks a 2 liter of coke, and DOESN'T DRINK ANYTHING ELSE ever, no water milk anything only coke. She eats nothing healthy never eats fruits and veges, just frozen c**p, and she smokes right next to her 2 year old all the time. It drives me INSANE! but I don't want to be rude and say something to he. Oh and she doesn't nor has she ever taken a prenatal vitamin. She has already had a kid so she knows how to take care of herself she just chooses not to. and it makes me sooo mad!




  1. tell her she shouldnt smoke while shes pregnant because shes only thinking about how much tobacco shes taking in, but since the baby is littler than she is and is taking in the same amount of tobaccco, she is giving him/her 400x what she is taking in. That baby willl definetly become an addict if this doesnt stop.

  2. I wouldn't say anything.  Everything you are thinking she has probably thought herself and if that didn't get her to quit nothing you say will.  If you did voice your concerns she would just get upset and it would be "your fault" and you would be the "bad guy".  Try staying away until the baby is born or venting to your mother.  Getting it out with someone who agrees really helps without upseting his girlfriend.

  3. if you have a good relationship w/your uncle mention your concerns to him, after that it's up to him and his girlfriend to make any adjustments, if they don't well it's their choice, you've expressed your concerns and your concience is clean, it's up to them actually it's up to her primarily to make any adjustmunts if she wishes to do so. Good luck, you appear to be an excellent nephew, you want to be my nephew?

  4. I too did smoked while pregnant with my 3 children, but it was only 5-7 cigarettes a day, not a whole pack. The Dr. told me to cut back from my pack and a half a day habit, and I did. I also limited myself to 2 diet pepsi's a day. The result. 3 big beautiful healthy babies.

    You can't get asthma from smoking, that's a genetic disorder. Those who say different, just want someone to blame instead of facing the truth. That there is actually something wrong with THEM!!!.

    So, leave the girlfriend alone. It's not your problem anyway. How would like if someone told you how to raise your child? Not fun huh? When you have a child, you can do as you please.

  5. Saying something will definitely put her on the defense and she probably won't want your opinion for a very long time.  I would avoid verbalizing your worries to her.  Remember, it is her life and her baby's life and that is in her control, it is not your personal responsibility to save them.

    The best thing for you to do, is be a leader.  Be the good example when you're around her (or all the time...practice what you preach) , eat what it is you would like to see her eat.  How is your uncle? Is he open to helping you set a good example?  Would he also keep healthy choices in the house and eat them? Because this is the ONLY way you can subtly influence her health choices without forcing her to take offense and make it her personal goal to prove you wrong.

    This is what I did at work.  We get junk food everyday and the people in my office always choose junk food over fruit.  However, I just kept choosing fruit and eating it all the time especially in front of them.  A couple months down the line, I'm hearing some of them talk about wanting to lose weight, many of them are minimizing their soft drink intake, and I'm no longer the only one eating fruit.  Set a good example, it'll be a positive experience for you, your uncle, and, eventually, your uncle's girlfriend.  Good luck!

  6. Say something. If you don't, your uncle's girlfriends' child will die. Not to be mean, or anything. If she doesn't do something, it will be too late.

  7. Might want to tell somebody in your family about this.

  8. It's called child abuse ( child endangerment)...Report her to Social Family Services. I think you can do this anonymously.  Either that,or  call the Jerry Springer Show...(not trying to be funny) If you don't you become an accessory of the abuser. (I don't want you to feel bad, but I only say it that way so that you could see the severity of the situation)

  9. talk to her face to face, throw out her cigarettes, hide the coke, and slip a vitamin into her food.

  10. well you can try talking to your uncle, tell him your point of view. how  her unhealthy life style will damage the baby. if he cares about u, her and the baby then he will have a serious talk with her

  11. Oh my god!

    Who gives c**p about "hurting her feelings" if you say something to her! Don't be too sensitive! Tell her that it's hurting the baby and quick!

    It's a person's life your talking about. It's really bad for the baby. If you smoke everyday while your pregnant, the baby may indeed become addicted to it. It's possible.

  12. You dont ignore something like that.

    Open yer mouth if you want whats best for those kids.

    She needs to start being a mother.

  13. Its sad to know that " any person" can have children.... America... Land Of the Free.

    I guess that's what we chose.

  14. u dont u say somethin

  15. ok well...there isnt much you can do but ignore it because t basically hurts the baby the most in the first 3 months of pregnancy and that was a while ago

    if it will be hurt from wat shes doing its way too late now

  16. sometimes in order to get a point like this across you might try doing something drastic like pulling up youtube videos of children with birth defects caused by things like smoking and bad eating/drinking habits ... i would try to approch her as much as you may just get the "ive already had a kid and he turned out just fine" speech ... the best way i can think of would be to just talk to her one on one ... dont attack her with "your wrong" but just seem concirned and maybe she will see your point ... she may not agree with you and honestly it doesnt sound like she is going to change but i think i will make you feel better at least to have brought it to her attention and tried to help her and then ,god forbid, if something is wrong with the baby you tried to help her and she just wouldnt listen

    well good luck no matter what you choose ...


  17. calmly try to tell her what shes really doing to herself... if she won't listen, it's her problem. later in life she'll regret what she's done to her child and herself.

  18. You have to accept the fact that it is not your business, and she's 8 months pregnant already the damage was already done. Even if she quits smoking right now and starts eating healthy not much would change

    Your uncle is the one who should have done something about it.

    And by the way telling her that smoking is bad for the child probably won't help. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knows that a pregnant woman should not smoke. If she is smoking is because she either couldn't quit, or doesn't care, but I am very sure she knows smoking is damaging for her child

  19. o wow tht sux, look if u hav kids keep ur kids away from her. and i feel bad for her 2 yr old. my mom used to smoke, and i ended up suffering from second hand smoke. and now i hav asthma, thnx mom.

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