
How do I justify the objectives I chose for this goal???

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1. Students will learn about the ancient people of Arizona history using primary and secondary sources that include electronic and print materials.


a. Students will be introduced to the history of the people and characteristics of their civilization using text and a teacher-created timeline.

b. Students will research the civilizations of the ancient people of Arizona, the Anasazi in groups of 5.

c. Students will share what they have learned from their research with their groups.




  1. Your objectives need to be a bit more specific.  They are often called behavioral objectives because they specify the type of behavior the student uses in order to learn.   Examples of rewrites:

    a.  Students will use an outline provided by the teacher to take notes on the history of the people and characteristics of their civilization.

    (Now I can see what is going to happen.  "Introduce" is a verb you would use in a goal statement, not an objective statement.)

    b.  Students will choose a category (such as government or family life)  and will conduct research in groups of 5 on the chosen category.(e.g. Group 1 might study "major occupations", Group 2 might study "culture and religion", etc.

    c.  Students  will prepare a brief oral report and 1  or 2 representatives from their group will present the report to the class at the end of this unit of study.

    You might not like that wording, but I hope it helps you see the level of specificity with which objectives are written.

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