
How do I keep a stalker from bothering me, and my friends?

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I have been on 360 for close to 3 years, this "man" has been harassing me, and stalking me, he has threatened my life, my husband's life, my deceased parents. I have reported him countless times, and he has been deleted, but due to unlimited create on Yahoo, he keeps coming back. I am a 49 year old business woman, that's tired of his harassment. I have even emailed the Atty. General of my state to see what legal action I can take. I have over 200 pages of threats he has made against me, and my family. Short of leaving Yahoo, what can I do? My page is closed, I have him on ignore, and do not comment to him, Please, can someone advise me what to do..I am at my wits end..and he not only threatens me, but my friends, and their children, and grandchildren!




  1. Your stuff has most likely gotten lost in the mountains of papers at the State Atty Gen's office.  What you should do is to report this person to your local police. Make sure you have all the documentation to back up your accusation.  

  2. Call the police.

    My cousin was involved in something similar to this (death threats made on MySpace) and they contacted out of state police who went and questioned people about it, I think someone was charged. Definitely call your local police and see where to start.

    ETA- do you know where he lives? Maybe try calling the police in his area and see if there is anything they can do at his end?

  3. It sounds like you are doing the best you can do.  But, have you made a restraining order agaisnt him or just "reported him?"  

  4. file a police report.  


  6. buy a shotgun? no jusk jking. after threats to your life you can take legal actions. Contact your local authorities, and they should be able to help you.  He is a pathetic loser and deserves to be treated like one. No one has the right to take away, and or threaton someones life.

  7. First, if you haven't already done so, remove all the personal information from your profile, set it to don't allow email.

    Change your password and secret question of every email account you might have.

    DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION WITH PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW. If the person insists just block him/her or give him/her false information.

    If that stalker doesn't live in your state you are at less risk. If he/she lives in your state get a restraining order.

    Delete your yahoo and create a new one if you like, but use another name and/or avatar, write your questions and answers in a different way so he/she cannot find you. Do not reply to any attempts from him/her to contact you.

    Call your ISP and inform them of the problem because that stalker might be a hacker so that's why he/she finds you.

  8. how does he know about you? i don't understand how you cannot possibly block him. this is just the internet - do you know him personally? does he know you?  I hope your efforts with contacting officials helps

    good luck

    i just dont see how he'd be unblockable

  9. Is this on the internet? or in real? well, call the police and have them watch your house or something like that. And your friends house. try to get as much info as possible so that they can track him down. [:

  10. TRO - Temporary Restraining Order.  Also, see if you can get him to say it (Harrassment) on email/phone, that will be even more powerful when presenting the TRO to the Judge.  He'll likely allow TRO incase this guy does go all nuts. That's even more powerful evidence.  If you're a business woman, you'll know someone or a friend of someone who is an Attorney.  Filing fee is $250 and whatever the Atty charges to draw it up.  He can't contact you nor can he come within a certain distance.

    That's probably you're best route.  Then he'll get bored with you and move on.

    Good Luck!

  11. Have him email you by tricking him. Then get his ip address from the headers in the email

    Once you find the ip address in there, track him down by entering the ip address on this site here

    This will tell you who is supplying his internet. Call them up and report his ip address and send them any emails they may need to prove it. They will shut his internet off and report him for you.

    Relax, things could be worse, my freind got stuck with this guy lol (no your situation is actually worse cuz ninas stalker is just a joke and they know each other, your's sounds seriously scary)

  12. I would have to say to ignore it... if you do not see him and he is just threatening you over the internet, then just ignore it... It is best to keep yourself away from people like that, but then again it is hard to know who those people are. so say less about your personal life to those you don't know, they target people that discuss a lot about themselves, what they do and everything else... hopefully he will move on to someone else!

  13. GET AN ATTORNEY!!!!! Contact the police to get a restraining order...if they will not allow you to file charges as some states still do not have a stalking law get an attorney and sue anyone that you have tried to get to take you seriously and didn't. I am not trying to scare you but this is serious AND MORE THAN LIKELY WILL NOT TURN OUT GOOD IF IT IS IGNORED...IF THE POLICE WILL NOT HELP YOU BRING A LAWSUIT ON THEIR BUTTS TO MAKE THEM. Also invest in a tape recorder! Document all activity, dates, times, etc, build your case because you have one!  Best wishes.

  14. Check out the 2 links below for reporting this.

    If these links do not help you - then call your District Attorneys office and ask them how to stop it.

    Also - contact the Attorney General of your State .. you can probably do this online - and by telephone . - Cached - Cached

  15. CALL THE COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Try the first one and call the cops. The second one is to help you find your local FBI office. Hope he stops bothering you. Have a good day now!

  17. three words


  18. Can you get a restraining order? If he doesn't know where you live.. I wouldn't worry. The police won't do anything unless he violates a restraining order or breaks into your home.

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