
How do I keep bunnies from eating my flowers, particularly daisy varieties?

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How do I keep bunnies from eating my flowers, particularly daisy varieties?





    It can be purchased at the local sporting goods store and is relatively cheap. Sprinkle/spray around the perimeter of your flowers. Fox are natural rabbit predators, they want nothing to do with "marked" territory.

  2. Could always eat the bunnies...

  3. Try either the pepper spray or garlic. You can plant it or get a spray.

  4. usually u can scare them off by keeping a rubber snake or rat in your flowers until thesse notinces r gone!!

  5. A shotgun?

    Seriously - try sprinkling cayen pepper around the flowers you want to keep them away from.  It works on squirrels so it may work for rabbits also.  Don't worry - it won't hurt the bunnies or the flowers.

  6. Put a fence around it or keep them in windowsill boxes or something. Keep in an are where the bunnies don't go.

  7. Try sprinkling black pepper around the perimeter of the flower bed. Bad thing is it washes away with a good rain. It works to keep the cats out of my trash til trash day.

  8. Try some moth balls sprinkled around.  I know they are great for keeping cats out of the garden.  Maybe this will help.  At least it is inexpensive.  Good Luck.

  9. You can buy repellent but instead I went to my local zoo and got cougar p**p for free....yup and i placed it around the yard and there were NO bunnies, cats, squirrels or small dogs!!

  10. I've done similar repellants with dog p**p myself.  Bunnies don't like to smell the p**p of their predators.  But sometimes the p**p, especially whe just-rained-on gets so offensive even my good-natured neighbors stay away and my cats refuse to come back inside.

    But when hungry enough the rabbits will do ANYTHING to get to those lush green plants.

    Repellants sold in garden centers contain ingredients you can mix for much cheaper at home:  cayenne pepper/ tobasco sauce, rotten eggs, coyote (dog) urine, cat/dog fur.

    But the best device is still a fence (chicken wire) with small holes no more than 1" across, three feet tall and no more than 6" from the plant.  Rabbits can dig up to four inches into the ground and can squeeze through chainlink fences.

    Rabbits leave my gardens alone.  I also have three dogs and four cats who love to post guard duty around the yard...

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