
How do I keep crickets from chirping for a couple of hours?

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Someone gave me two pet crickets and I want to take them along while I travel. I am also carpooling with a couple of people. How do I get my crickets to shut up so that they don't drive the carpooling people insane?




  1. If the crickets don't feel safe they typically don't chirp.  I doubt they will make much noise in the car, but if they start chirping turnr up the radio or put a towel over the container they are in to drown out the sound.  Oh and they are just pet crickets, you could put them outside and get two more for about 22 cents at petsmart and avoid any annoyance at all.  trust me they won't mind going outside.

  2. rip their wings off. btw crickets only live a week or two so don't get attached.

  3. There is no way to shut a cricket up honey, that is just a natural behavior, and it's most likely the male searching for a mate.

  4. OMG! Tell me your not attached to them! Why don't you just set them free? You can get more lol. If your only going for a few days then you could just put a piece of cucumber in and leave them.

    Charlotte x

  5. well the crickets are chirping because it could be look for a mate

  6. Males are going to chirp.

    The only way I can suggest to kept them distracted is -

    1.) do not feed them the night before travel, and

    2.) distract them with food.  Put in small amounts of melon, or strawberry, or squashes... things they can't resist.   Dry whole oats, or even chick mash.

    This will only work until they are sated, I'm sorry to say.

    Another option is trim their wings (this is tediuos, and they wll regrow).

    Once they are full - male crickets will chirp.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  7. Put them in a cage with a lizard or pull their back legs off.  Tell me, do you have stick insects as well??

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