
How do I keep deer from eating my hosta plants?

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How do I keep deer from eating my hosta plants?




  1. My brother had good luck with bars of Irish Spring soap around the garden.

  2. Get dried blood at any garden store.  Sprinkle around the planst.  It's purpose is to keep deer away.

  3. If you have a lot and need a spray mix here you go.

    1 to 2 cups ammonia

    1 to 2 cups human urine

    12 eggs

    one gallon water

    mix well and spray barrier around area.

    Another way  is to use a motion detected water sprinkler. It will come on and scare them away by the sudden water spray.

  4. home and garden stores sell a anti-deer spray

  5. Deer LOVE hostas.  Put some inexpensive deer fencing around them.

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