
How do I keep homemade egg rolls crisp?

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I usually fill them and deep fry them right away. They are usually crisp at first but get soggy afterwards. I like to freeze them, but they still get soggy when re-heated.




  1. when u reheat them u dont use the microwave u put a little oil in a pan and fry them till warm

  2. Try cooking them in a toaster oven.

  3. You can freeze them before you deep fry them. When you defrost them you cook them just like your fresh ones.

    The Muse

  4. Fry at 375*F - be sure they are a golden brown and crispy

    * to reheat,  let them come to room temperature,  then put into a 375* oven

    for 10 minutes


  5. scots has it right , i'm making some tonight + will freeze a huge amount for later on

  6. Fry them fresh, as needed.  Store uncooked ones in the fridge.

  7. i fry them

    then put them in the oven on a rack so they don't touch the bottom of the pan

    and they stay crisp

    not a high temp

    but enough to keep the warm/hot

    if there are any left over

    i usually make 50 at a time

    my kids love them


    i put them in the toaster over to cook and get warm

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