
How do I keep my 2nd grade Twins up to grade level, now that I have decided to homeschool?

by Guest66924  |  earlier

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I am fed up with my local school system, and have decided to home school. I have found the requirements for my state (TEXAS) by going to HSLDA.ORG/LAWS, which are very minimal, to get started anyway. What I don't really know is where to go from here. Where do I get my lesson plans? Do I have to report to any one? HELP!!!! I don't want my girls to get behind!




  1. There is a series of great books called "What Your __ Grader Needs to Know"  (so in your case, fill in the blank with "Second.")  I don't remember who writes them, but I believe the series is called "Core Knowledge" or "Core Learning" or something to that effect.  The books have a little bit of every subject at that grade level, and then you can supplement the lessons with other books and materials.

  2. You should have already planned how you would attack this before you made the decision to homeschool them. Try to plan out what you are going to do.

  3. You do not have to report to anyone in Texas. You have total say over your girls' education program. To make sure they are 'at grade level', you can use just about any graded/levelled program out there. There is a ton of stuff available. It'd be good to connect with homeschoolers near you, or at least online (lots of Yahoo Groups for homeschoolers) and learn more about specific resources you can use.

    One tip: try not to panic too much. It's okay if it takes you a few months to get everything in your mind sorted out and your resources and all that. In the meantime, just read with your girls each day, write a little bit with them, have them practice some math facts and you'll be good to go. Don't forget to have some fun on field trips, too. :)

  4. are you a certified teacher???? what are you thinking???

    Put them girls/Boys back in school. Not only are you most certanly outquest to teach math, bio, physics, grammar, english,  history, chemistry, lterature ECT, Ect, I hope you get the idea, but also you dipriving them of the most important lesson in live, coping with people there own age...

    Find a school you like and get INVOLVED as parent, do not take the easy way for you, remember when you where a kid??? write me if you like

  5. Try some message boards on homeschooling so you can meet others who homeschool.  My son is in Kindergarten and since I didn't want to buy a "published" curriculum set (he's in different levels on different subjects), I just lookes at all the syllabis from various curriculum publishers, to determine what he needs to know by the end of the year.  Each MONTH, I come up with a list of what we will work on in each subject.  Then each WEEK, I plan the worksheet, projects, quizzes, field trips, books that we need from the library.  It is a lot of planning in the beginning but it gets easier once you realize that you can get creative and every day doesn't have to be the same!  They can learn a lot by doing nature hikes and art projects.  But if you'd like there is plenty of good homeschooling curriculum sets out there.  I can give you some ideas if you'd like.

    The #1 rule is: DON'T try to duplicate the public school classroom that you just pulled them out of.  This is YOUR family's school and you may schedule things any way you like, as long as it all gets done in the end.

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!


    Homeschooling mom in CO

  6. Buy them some math books and watch them just like a teacher would. Make them study all the multiplications facts, addition, subtraction, division, and all the other things you want to teach them. Print out some lessons on the internet or just tear out a piece of paper in their math books. Buy some dry erase markers with the eraser on one side and get some dry erase boards or mirrors that they can practice on. They'll have fun while writing on the boards which will make them like school better. At the end of the semesters, make a report card exactly like every school would. Give them prizes when they do good on work that you give them.

  7. Generally individual states have what is termed "Scope & Sequence" to provide a guideline for the annual achievements expected of students by grade level.  In your state, Texas, they have something called "Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills" or TEKS.

    I've done a quick search and found the 2nd grade TEKS - its a 38 page PDF file with details of the expectations for second graders.  You can find the link below.

    There are many terrific home education philosophies.  You may want to do some research to find which suites your family best.  From that point you can research curriculum resources.  There are so many options when it comes to choosing a curriculum - from a complete package to picking and choosing subjects from a variety of sources.

    We enjoy educating based on the philosophies expressed in the book "The Well Trained Mind" and add in a generous portion of Charlot Mason's methods.  A quick search will find you many informative sites about both.

    It is perfectly alright that you have not selected a curriculum - your children will not be damaged or fall behind.  Home education provides so many daily opportunities to learn - beyond the worksheets and lesson plans.  Additionally - you can feel comfortable taking some time now to get your bearings & catch your breath, because you are not limited by a certain number of days and hours in a classroom.  

    Once you find your curriculum, or what ever you chose, you can have lessons a few hours every day all year long, or "do school" 4 days a week and save a day for educational outings.  This is your family's experience, enjoy it!  Your question shows that you are moving in the right direction & looking out for their best interests.  

    Good Luck!

    ****EDITED TO ADD****

    LadyB - Feel free to contact me through my profile if you have any more questions about getting started homeschooling.  I know this is a stressful, as well as exciting, time.  I've been homeschooling my children for 3 years in Illinois & we have similar education laws.

  8. listen i know its hard to raise twins and i think this is wat u should do just get a tooter

  9. You can find the grade level expectations on the board of education website for your state. If they are not there you can contact a school in the area and they can be made available for you. Personally, I would not mention that you are homeschooling to anyone who would be helping you get GLE's. They might not be as helpful.

    Good luck

  10. Do you want or need a curriculum?  In Idaho you do not.

    If you do, online has lots of resources.  Type in Texas homeschool curriculum.

    Don't stress.  Keep in mind that 50-100 years ago, many people didn't even start their education until 16 or so and they still succeeded at college.  So keep it fun and simple.

    If you do not need a specific lesson plan-

    Have them read a lot and a variety.  Include hands on science and read historical fiction like the American Girl stories for girls that fit into the time frame you want to study in history.  Make math a hands on time as well.  Not more reading.  At second grade they should be learning harder addition/subtraction as well as counting money.  You can get a sheet at your local school that shows an outline of the topics covered in the current grade.  These are a lot of help.

    There may be a local homeschool group or online group.  Mostly, make sure you are meeting any legal requirements.  Idaho has none, so as long as they learn something, we are Okay.  If the local school doesn't help, call the dept of education and ask for the basic cirriculum ir outline for second and third grade.  Don't let anyone talk you out of homeschooling.  Give it a try and then see what you and your kids think.

    Remember, the average homeschool child is several grade levels above their in-school peers.  Just be sure to find a social outlet, like sports or the boys and girls club to keep them involved with kids their age.

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