
How do I keep my CA residency when I move to TX?

by  |  earlier

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I'm considering moving to Texas temporarily to work (a year or two). Can I remain a California residence while I work in Texas for a couple years? Is there anything I need to do to do so? Thanks for the expertise :)




  1. If you maintain a permanent address in California, you can retain residency in California.  You will need to check on any tax laws regarding income acquired in another state.  You may not get a Texas driver's license, or register to vote in Texas.

  2. if you maintain a residence in CA and are on temporary assignment its no big deal. Got to pay ca taxes probably though.

    My husband and I were on 4 years of temp assignments in 3 states. We used my Moms address in PA as home. They paid our housing and we got a lot of bonuses. It was awesome

  3. There are ways you can have dual residency, but for California I'm not sure how the rules are there.  It would likely be in your best interest in changing residency and then reclaiming it when you go back to CA because of tax issues that may arise.

    Check out the following website..  It's not state orientated, but does have some common info.

  4. No, you will be a resident of Texas. That isn't such a bad thing when compared to California!

  5. If you live in Texas for thirty days you have to register your vehicle and get a Texas drivers license. You can maintain a California residence if you want, but you will have to get a Texas license, it's a state law.

  6. maintain a mailing address and have mail delivered there. keep voting in cal and keep your vehicle registered in cal.

    all il all a huge pain in the *** not to mention illegal.

    if you got stopped in tx. for a vehicle infraction the officer would surely raise questions about residency.

  7. Keep your California Drivers license current and don't tell them you left. Keep in mind its fraud to do so, but it's the only way you can do it if you leave California for more than a few months.

  8. If will be very difficult.  By definition you will have moved but if you keep your address in CA, have you mail delivered there and stay on the voter roll in CA, you might get away with it.  But legally you will have changed your residence.  In general, only moving for studying does not count as a change in residency.

  9. lol goodbye you cannot stay here (CA)  but maybe with the help of a friend you could fake it set up  residency in CA with a friends help while living in TX might be worth a try

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