
How do I keep my cat from getting on my kitchen counters?

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I have other things he is allowed to jump up onto and I never correct him for being on those things but he is always breaking things or knocking things all over because he continues to jump up onto places I have punished him for getting on! I have even put up barricades at the front and scattered all over the counters and other places I don't want him to go on but he still does it as soon as i walk out of the room or go to bed at night?? HELP?!!




  1. put large containers of water in maybe tuperware containers on top of your units where you cat is likely to jump and land??.

  2. spray him with water when you see him doing it. Using a loud voice scold him.  

  3. DON"T USE POISON!  What a stupid stupid answer.

    Try this... it's safe and cats hate it.  Put several strip of scotch tape... sticky side UP on the counter top.  The do something to attract the cat up there or just put him there.  The tape will not hurt, but will be a major major annoyance to the kitteh.  He'll fight with it to get it off, and you will help him, but if this is done two or three times, I can assure you he won't like the counter top any more.

  4. Instead of spraying with water, spray with roundup...that always does the trick...or get out the 12 gage...that always does the trick..

    this was just a joke...don't actually do this.

  5. Hi there we have exactly the same problem but what we do is either pick her up off the bench put her down and say NO!!! or we squirt her with a  water bottle!.Hope this helps!

  6. Smack it.

  7. You can't that's the end of it! It's in the nature of cats to climb and jump so he'll want to climb onto your counters. But, if you REALLY want to stop him, distract him with fun whenever heb does it and spray catnip where he's allowed to climb to encourage him to climb there, and give him treats when he does.

    P.S. Physical punishment will get you nowhere. Instead of spraying or hitting your cat, just say 'NO!' very loudly.

    P.S.S I am not suggesting you do hit or spray your cat, I'm just saying if you do, just resort to vocal punishment instead.

  8. haha, my cat does that! XD He jumps on the sides and attempts to l**k the plates! i suppose you could get one of those spray bottles and spray him with water everytime he jumps up there. I wouldn't like to do that to my cat tho coz im a big softie XD so I just pick him off eveytime. Do you have a lockable cat flap by any chance? You could always lock him out at night sometimes so he doesn't do it while you sleep..

  9. Get Poisionus Cleaning Materials and spray the counters down with it, but don't let the cat eat it.

  10. DON'T SMACK your cat - EVER!

    Okay - first of all, have you tried citrus peel?  Supposedly there is something in the rind of citrus fruit that is supposed to deter cats.  Try that and see if it works.  

    Secondly - the reason he's doing this is for attention because negative attention is better than NO attention.  Have you been spending less time with him lately?  I used to notice with my cat that if I was very busy or wasn't spending at least an hour or so of quality time with her every day that she'd get like that.  She'd hop up on my counters and knock off my makeup or perfume bottles.  Cats are curious like that - when you WANT to give them attention, THEY can't be bothered, but if THEY want attention you'd better give it to them NOW...LOL.  

    If you are spending as much time with him as you have in the past, then it could just be he's being the typical prankster cat.  That means you're gonna have to remove the 'objects of his affection.'  Basically, the things he likes to break and find some toys.  Your cat may just be the VERY playful type that likes interactive toys.  Get one of those crazy ferret toys with the ball that rolls around the room.  That'll give him hours of activity.  

    Also - another way to discipline him in addition to the scruff of the neck, instead of SMACKING him, is get a squirt gun or a spray bottle.  If you see him on the counters then shoot him with the water (just PLAIN water) but if he's seen that he's already been caught and jumps off don't squirt him then because he won't get the punishment part of gettting squirted with the water.  Only squirt him if he's in the act.  

    Good luck, hon!

  11. If he's not already, teach him to be scared of balloons.  Let him play with one, and then pop it.  Soon he'll hate them.  Then start leaving balloons on the surfaces where you don't want him, such as counters or the stove.

    The problem with using verbal commands or spray bottles is that they are only effective when you are around.  You want something that makes the cat permanently averse to the off-limits areas.

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