
How do I keep my cat off my messy desk?

by  |  earlier

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She is on it now. And half-asleep! It has all important stuff on it!!!!!!!!




  1. Hey

    First of all Cats really love a cosy and warm place to nap. Paper does a good job of keeping a place warm (and cosy). So your cat will probably stop sleeping on it if  you remove the paper out of the way, put it in a drawer or some place. The bare desktop wont be as cosy and it certainly wont be warm. That should do the trick, it worked for me.

    Put a basket with an old blanket in it close to your desk (not under it-you might step on her). As an alternative napping place for her.


  2. Cats love to sleep on paper. Newspaper, old bills, envelopes, doesn't matter. Try putting your papers in a drawer, or file cabinet. Or put a piece of newspaper on the floor.

  3. The only cure I know is lock her out. Sorry, your kitty wants to be by you because she likes you. You can try getting her her own bed next to you or on an empty part of your desk or my husband gives his cat a chair to lie in and closes the door when he's not in the office

  4. First of all cats will go where ever they want..try cleaning off the desk then putting double sided tape on the surface..or put some tin foil on it...leave it like that for awhile then it will probably learn not to get up there..

  5. lock her out of your office.

  6. lock it out, cage,and collar

  7. if she goes up on it again shout to her and say NOOOOOOOOO and if she did it again hit her very light in the nose or lock her out of the room which in it the desk be careful and good luck

  8. smear her f***s all over you desk.

  9. Spray your cat with water. Only a little bit...and don't forget to wipe the water off from her fur immediately after she runs away the desk. Do it a few times, so she knows it's punishment. Then when she gets on your desk again, bring out the water spray bottle (but don't spray). She should recognize the spray bottle and get off your desk.

  10. Peppermint oil. Use a cotton ball or cloth and rub it on the desk or around the desk. Cats hate the smell. It will ware off so it will have to be re-applied. But it does work. I use it on my cat to keep her from clawing my couch. But remember to wash your hands real good when you are done, or your cat won't come near you.

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