
How do I keep my dog from chewing things?

by  |  earlier

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She has plenty of toys, but she chooses to tear up the couch. we even tried a large dog bone, and she wouldn't touch it. She only does this when noone is around. I really don't want to put her in a crate when we have to go out.




  1. Use a Kong like The other poster said, It will keep her busy for hours and if you catch her chewing something she is not supposed to politely take it away and switch it with a more suitable replacement. Then give her praise. She will want to please you and take to it quick.

    Another thing that could be effecting it, is how often do you give her exercise?

  2. I've been a breeder for a long time and my puppies are always raised in the house...This is what I do..

    Puppies are going to tear things up, that's what puppies do...Your job is to give them something that they can tear up that isn't valuable...You need to teach them the difference..

    Go to your local goodwill and buy some stuffed animals...Here you only need to pay a buck a piece..

    The next time you catch your puppy chewing on something she shoedn't be chewing on, NO ! BAD GIRL !!

    Then after she gets over the trauma of being scolded, give her the cheap stuffed toy and let her know how happy you are that she's playing with "that" !

    If she tears it up ? Who cares ! It was a buck and you can get her more !

    Once she realizes that stuffed toys are "o.k." to tear up, she'll leave everything else alone.. :-)

  3. my dog did the same thing when she was littler now she dosent but we got her a chew toy

    we got her treats

    its common for dogs to mke theyre teeth sharper or somtin like that i no we went to petsmart we got her this ball that u stick a little treat in and they have to get it out that got our dog occupied!

  4. Give her plenty of her own toys and go to the pet store and get this stuff called bitter apple. It tastes really bad and most dogs don't like it. If you don't want her to chew on something then spray that on there and then give her one of her toys and tell her to go lay down. She'll get it after awhile.

  5. I haven't had any problems with my pointer.

  6. Tabasco sauce works wonders. It's cheap, easy to get and lingers. I trained my 4 yr old rotti/shepherd off that when he was a puppy and was chewing our chairs legs. And carpet. And woodpile. And blankets. Didn't have a problem with shoes strangely... And if he likes to get mouthy when you play it's great for that too. My boy stopped that little habit after the first go. Just put a bunch of the sauce on her fav. chew item or if she won't take the bait put a little on her tongue and make sure she really smells it. Have water handy too.To this day my dog will gag when he smells it. The horribly betrayed look he gives me is more than worth having a whole carpet and chairs that you can confidently sit in.

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