
How do I keep my weimarner from running off with my neighbors weimarner?

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I have a 2 year old spayed female weimarner that is named Shasta. I live in a Garage apartment next door to my land lord who owns 2 weimarners (males) he keeps one locked up during the day and then lets the other out at night, my problem is that when he lets the younger one out, On a few surprised occasions he let him out with out me knowing and both mine and his took off and did not come back for about 8 hours the first time it happened. 10 hours the second time and 6 the third. She has been obedience trained by me, but does not obey when this dog is loose. So I have to keep her on a leash., She also pulled my shoulder out darting after him one evening. I am a very responsible dog owner and am afraid for her safety she also was bit by a snake on the last escapade, and it cost me 100 in vet bills please help any suggestions? She is other wise a wonderful dog and obeys other times.




  1. u need a leesh

  2. you do not allow you dog out without a leash! That way you can keep him from running off.OR fence in your yard so you dog can not escape and run off with the other

  3. Any dog that is outside, should be either in a fenced in area or on a leash at all times.  You have to be the responsable one if your landlord is that irresponsable.  I would tell him that if he continues to let his dog run loose that you might have to report it to the authorities.  I don't know where You live but here in New York where I am, it is a Law to

    keep all dogs under control at ALL times.

    If you are afraid that your landlord would evict you if you called, don't tell him.  Just call and report that a stray dog is running the street.

    Let animal control officers take control of the situation.

    As long as You keep your dog under control there is nothing they can do to You.

  4. As an Obedience trainer myself I need to tell you when you trained your recall you needed to work with more distractions, balls, food, other dogs, or any other sort of distraction you can come up with.

    This is called proofing a taught exercise and should be done with any exercise you train your dog to do.

    As in sit stay, down stay, heeling, recall, etc.

    Myself I`ll take one of my dogs to the nearest grocery store park the along side the door a few feet out from it and tell him/her to sit and stay while all these folks are going in and out with grocery carts. I don`t want to see one paw move, if it does I return to my dog without saying a word and place the paw back where it was or if he/she broke from the position re-sit them again without saying a word.

    Work your dog around other dogs that have control and listen to their owners. till your recall is reliable use either a long line or even a rope tied to your dogs collar just in case she gets happy feet and blows you off.

    If you have any questions regarding training you can contact me.

    Good luck and god bless

  5. keep her inside at nite.  You know he is irresponsible and lets his loose, so take precautions for her safety.

  6. Keep Shasta inside your apartment.

  7. if she isnt fenced/tied/or kept in the house,,,,maybe you need to invest in a kennel.,,,and id say she just isnt getting enough exercise & thats why shes running off.

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