
How do I keep the deer away from my garden?

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This year has probably been the worst yet, the tomoatos are destroyed, I haven't been able to get any peppers and only a handful of snap peas, they haven't gotten to all the corn yet. I know it's the deer, I have a scarecrow out and I have cans on twine surrounding most of the garden but nothing is working! I need help!




  1. The only way you can keep deer out of the garden, is an electric fence, and that doesn't work 100%.  They are a menace.  My husband is ill this summer, and wasn't able to put out his garden. He did overplant with clover last fall, so the garden is full of clover. His brother came out and put some tomato plants in the middle of the garden, in among the clover. They will walk over the clover and eat the tomato plants.  They are a menace.  And the mothers here are having twins and triplets this year!!

  2. Simple.

    You spread mothballs around the area.

    Don't put them where the water will wash into your growing veggies, just around the area.

    Happy harvesting!

  3. You can hang scented soap around your garden and that usually keeps them away.

  4. I would welcome a few deer in my garden - i would grow certain things they like to eat and observe them .Vegetables are cheap during the summer let them eat all they want.

  5. Once your garden is on their browsing schedule, it won't be easy.

    Cat-box sand, (with it's 'predator' odor),  sometimes helps.

    There are also I.R. controlled 'water cannon' that spray

    intruders with a hose, on the market,  which might discourage them.

  6. I myself don't have a garden, but I've seen people with a scarecrow to scare the birds and deer away.  Take a couple pieces of wood nail it together like a cross and dress it up with some old clothes and throw a old hat on it.  It will look like a person and the little critters will be scared and won't go by your garden.

  7. This is going to sound sooo weird to you, but I know for a fact that is works, we (my family and relatives all do this) You have all the men pee into milk jugs, then mix it half & half with water and spray it around the garden. It is the same concept as deer away, they just use coyete urine. The human sent scares them just as much, but you will have to repeat the process every week. Rain will wash the scent away.. Again I know this sounds weird

  8. deer like salt.. if you can get some salt rocks.. put them where they can get to it...they'll l**k it like crazy then run away to find water before they perish from thirst. thereby...leaving your garden alone! =)

  9. put human urine all around perimter of garden. deer will not go nearhuman scent

  10. The most effective way that I know of is to put up a high fence (at least 6ft) to keep them out. I don't know how practical this would be for you. It is possible to get products with strong smells (I have tried Renardine) that you can apply to the ground/plants  where they are coming into your garden which will deter them.

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