
How do I keep within the lines on country roads?

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So I just started taking my behind the wheel driving class where he helps me and sees what I can do for 7 classes. Yesterday during my first class I did GREAT in traffic within the city, but when we hit country roads the lanes are narrow, meaning smaller than city roads, how can I stay in my lane perfectly because thats a problem I'm having and my instructer doesn't seem to get that. My second class is in 30 minutes answer fast please. 10 pts to best when I get home.




  1. Kim K. has the right answer. I had trouble with that too in the beginning. Actually I was doing well until I pulled onto the road and my mom freaked out (she's quite tightly wound) and then I got nervous. Just relax and look farther down the road.

  2. Don't look right in front of you, look down the road, I don't know, about 10-15 ft. I'm not good at guessing distances. When you look directly in front like at the front of your car and below it you tend to overstear, jerking back and forth and have trouble staying on course. Look out beyond the front of your car. It's like you're looking over your car hood and out into the distance. You use your peripheral vision to see that space right at your bumper and the first few feet in front of the car. You'll get the knack of it. Everyone has the same problem when they start driving and some of those narrow country lanes are tough until you have some experience. Steering more will make it worse . New drivers oversteer,  that's probably the problem, you don't need to make an adjustment everytime the road bends half a degree.

    You should see the freeway lanes going through Albuquerque New Mexico, they're barely as wide as a small car and traffic is going 80mph. I was a nervous wreck when we came through after driving for 16 hours that day.

  3. just try and keep in the middle of yourside, not too close to the ditch and inside the white line, thats what my instructer tells me, im learning to drive as well now, if youre doing good in traffic you are probably quite a good driver, ive only drivin on quite country roads but i find turing on to different roads hard, anyway good luck

  4. Look at your left and right mirrors to see where your tires are. After you do that youll eventually be able to tell the depth of your car better.

  5. steer the lanes are about the same in every state.... you just need to steer more

  6. On country roads u need 2 be more alert for turns its the same as driving down a city road just more turns and curvues

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