
How do I kill sugar ants in my house?

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I have used everything inside and out. I used chemicals and homemade stuff. What have you used and how well did it work? I especially want to get rid of them in my bedroom. I also had someone to come spay, did not work for long.




  1. catch each single one of them and poke them in the eyes

    eww, i'm cruel

    sorry, just kidding


  2. ah sound like aliens has invaded your house. find the queen and kill it. the ants are game over.

    lay a booby trap. ants cant resist it especially food.

    then follow the lines of ants to their nest and kill the queen.

  3. The bug man killer spray is not strong in my opinion. I used 409 on them then wiped them up so they could not go back to there colony. Go to home depo and buy bug killer. They sell this brand with a pump and it spray a stream. I go along the base Bord's, counter tops where the wall meets, under the sink, and outside too. If you have pets you need to put them away till it drys. I used this for ants that would come in every summer. If you see the bugs kill them

  4. These methods are fool proof for killing ants.


    Pick up ant.

    Place ant in microwave.

    Start microwave.

    Microwaves kill ants good.


    Form hand into fist.

    Extend pointer finger.

    Place pointer finger directly above ant.

    Apply ample amount of pressure to ant.


  5. Give them some salt.

  6. I think the only cure is give them no sugar and they will go somewhere else.  I lived with these before and found that I never see them when I stop leaving things out for them to eat, like cups that had or have soda in them, dirty dishes, etc..

  7. To get rid of sugar ants you must first "attract" them to exactly what they are looking for:  food.  The best product on the market is called "Torro".  It's a clear sweet liquid that comes in a bottle along with small cardboard pieces in which you apply the liquid.  You must place the small "bait" squares where the ants are actually coming into your room from (usually by a door, window, or wallboard).  Place the square there and at first, the ants will come in a huge swarm to feed off the sugary poisoned bait and then they take it back to their "home" to share w/ the rest of the "family", thus poisoning the whole colony.  You won't see them again.  The only caution is w/ kids and pets.  They would also be attracted to the sugary substance so it's essential that it be placed out of reach.  Watch your children and pets carefully while the bait is out.  My cats are indoor cats, so I place the poisoned bait squares under an inverted clothes basket that is slightly risen-- enough for the ants to get under it, but keep the cats out of it.  I don't like the idea of spraying any poisons in the house.  No need to breathe the stuff when you can effectively get rid of the ants w/ these spot treatments. I swear by the stuff and I know you will too if you try it!

  8. boiling water?

  9. All i can think of is black flag for ants good luck.

  10. Try the chalk, "Hit" , "Lakshmanrekha" etc. Draw boundry line at the enterence from where the ants originate.  Circle articles/items with this chalk.  Try Camphor.  Powder a small cube and spread sparing at the area.  This one should work wonders.  Even in food containers you may keep small cubes of camphor wrapped in paper to avoid any inscects.

  11. buy a pet anteater

  12. The best way to get rid of ants is to prevent them from coming. You do this by ensuring that there are no paths for the ants to get to food.

    There are tons of ants here in Indonesia and to keep them away I use anti-ant chalk. You rub the chalk around the feet of chairs and tables, around rubbish bins, and where ants like to enter into the house. As soon as I started using this there were no ants on my tables and around our food. Insecticides are only temporarily effective!

    I hope this helps!

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