
How do I kill the cramps?!!!?

by Guest32449  |  earlier

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I'm trying to jog 3 miles every day, which I know I can do, I've done it before quite recently, but I keep getting these killer cramps when I'm not even 1/4 mile into the run! So I wanted to ask what kind of preparations you take to prevent cramps? My dad says to load up on carbs 15 minutes before running, but i don't think thats gonna help.




  1. potassium is the cramp killer. carbs will only slow you down. Bananas are perfect for this. I used to have the same problem. Started eating a banana before the run the one after.

  2. The most helpful thing you can do is stretch your legs,  and arms, body. And when you finish running you need to cool down  some stretches too. that will help.

  3. stretch the parts that cramps

    it works for me

  4. The most important thing to do before doing something athletic is to stretch simple as that.

  5. well stretch. don't eat before you run. don't drink too much either.

  6. Oh, I thought you meant that cr a ppy band.

    Try more potassium

  7. Stretch. Keep hydrated. Breeeathe.

  8. your body is either lacking potassium or you muscles are in bad physical shape. Also some people have to stretch a lot to help prevent cramps. It also can be the lack of fluids. Eat something with a lot of noddles the night before you run. it potatoes and eat bananas in the morning.

  9. keep hydrated...salt can help for cramps peanuts or something

  10. Where are you getting you cramps? Legs? Stomach? The best thing I could tell you is to talk to your doctor or maybe a fitness professional at your local gym. You could look up some streching rutines that focus especially on what area you are having problems with. Hard to give you good solid advice without knowing which area you're having problems with. I hope I helped you some anyways. Good luck!

  11. your body could be cramping for a few different reasons. #1 before I even get started. I read on someone elses answer that salt can help. Yes salt can help, but to much salt can dehydrate and I have known 2 runners from eating to much salt they got dehydrated and died out on runs. So I don't advice anyone to eat salt to prevent cramps unless you know what you are doing.

    Ok than moving on, pottasium does a great job with preventing cramps. If you eat it right before you run that won't help at all. Eat something with potassium about 45 minutes to run that way it will be mostly out of your stomach by than. Bananas are a great source of potassium and the reason you see so many athletes with them is because they are easy to eat on the go, they aren't that messy and they help prevent cramping. But Strawberries and kiwi are just two of about 25 fruits and vegetables that have more potassium in them than a banana.

    If you eat to soon before you run that can also be a cause for cramping. If you feel the need to eat right before you run make sure that it is easily digestable foods, such as toast.

    The more you get in shape the more oxygen your muscles will be able to hold and the more oxygen your muscles can hold the less cramping you will get. Just remember as you run, relax and every now and again take a nice big deep breath to make sure you can keep a nice supply of oxygen moving to your muscles. good luck and have fun

  12. Eat a banana before you run. It really helps cramps, no joke. A lot of studies have proved it. Google it if you want.

    (Also that's why you see athletes eat them whenever they can like in a dugout or locker room)

  13. ok, breathe through the nose, exhale through the mouth. it helps alot.

  14. its called runners stitch.  slow it down.. find a good breathing pattern based on your pace.  make sure you drink water but not too much.  its always good to start off moderate.. and remember never stop!  never.. it will make you stronger and build a tolerance for the stitch.. pretty soon you might be getting them and not even know it.  also, keep your back straight so your diaghram is open, never hunch and keep your forearms 90 degrees to the ground.. hope this helps.

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