
How do I kill these grasshoppers?

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I've found only 3 ways to kill these suckers, a 12 Ga with #7 shot, a 9 lb sledge hammer & a base ball bat. I'm not at all worried about the environmental impact... one of us has to go & they are eating everything from pecan trees to grass for the cattle. (Mormon Crickets & the big brown & yellow suckers).




  1. don't kill them

    u nvr know the consequences

    if u just kill them

    don't even mess with mother nature

    don't do it man u hear?

  2. I'm a big fan of chemical pesticides.

    Try this link

    They have a listing of the options.

    I'd tell you to get a flock of turkeys to eat them, but it sounds like it is too late.

  3. Just spray Monocrotophos to anything that moves...

  4. In the 1990s there was a natural grasshopper virus marketed in a granular, easy to spread form called NoLo Bait.  It was a virus impregnated on ground up corn cob grits which served as a bait.  Once the hoppers ate the NoLo Bait, they died of the virus.  Since hoppers tend to be cannibalistic, the survivors would eat the dead, diseased hoppers and thus the viral death would spread.  The active ingredient is Nosema locustae.  I do not know if NoLo bait or any other natural insecticides using Nosema locustae are still marketed (check the web?) but I do know this.  The stuff worked in a serious hopper situation on a farm in Southwest Kansas.  See if you can get some and try it out.  As far as I know, it only affects grasshoppers.  Which is a plus, because if birds or other predators such as housecats or whatever eat the dead hoppers, they are in no danger.  Let me know if you can still get it and if it works.  Two additional items -- this viral disease, like other natural insecticides is not real fast acting and it is better to use it for the younger nymphs rather than waiting to try it on fully mature hoppers.

  5. Stomp on them.

    |: gosh. thats mean.

  6. Question is: What eats Grasshoppers? The caterpillars that run down the street to my house are smart. They eat Milkweed (a natural toxin),so that the birds leave them alone, even when they are in the chrysalis, and Butterfly stage.

    I say coat your grasshoppers with chocolate, and have a party.

    Something has to deter them besides poisoning them, or spreading Amino-acid blockers. We humans just can't take any more Neuro-toxins.

    I had a small garden at one time in the Sierra Mountains, and covered what I needed for my self and my son, and let them have the rest. Of course you're problem is on a grander scale.

    How about garden snakes. They are environmentally friendly, and birds. I came home one afternoon and found a garden snake curled up next to my watering hose which was green with a yellow stripe, same as the snake. They also kill rattle snakes.

    I know, sound vibrations. Find out the exact vibrational level they vibrate at. Don't they rub their legs together to communicate. How about spraying with watered down honey? Sticky.

    I hope you can find a healthy source rapidly. I love pecans and appreciate all of you farmers who are suffering. Maybe you can find a Tokyo Rose type of grasshopper rap, music. SNOOP, are you there?

    Listen you hoppers,

    U aint seen nothin till u've seen my stompers.

    Get the h**l out of dodge, cause this aint your lodge

    I gotta Smith & Wesson, and I'll teach U a lesson

    Don't mess with my nuts, and my grass for my cows,  lol

    My 12 Gauge is waitin, with my bat and my hammer,

    All you hoppers can go to the slammer.

    Stomp Stomp, smash smash,

    You aint no glamour


    Good Wishes,


  7. As the son of a farmer who has seen some damage i have dreamed up a theory. You find a peice of land that you dotn use for your crop but is near it cover it with sugar or something sweet and when they show up spray the tar out em!

  8. put severl pieces of duct tape(sticky side up) in the area where they are annoying u because grass hoppers are attracted to the glue on the tape another way is to pretty much make a 3 inch diameter hole in a loaf of bread moisten the inside of it a little (use a spray bottle if u have one) and put a few of em around the area where they are annoying u and soon u will find alot of em in the bread then u can do watever u want with them try using them as bait for fishing.

  9. UGH.  Big brown and yellow grasshoppers?  Sounds like you have a locust swarm.  Good lord, no wonder you're stressed.

    If you have locusts swarming, then you really do need help.  Those pests will eat anything, and they reproduce like wildfire.

    From the wikipedia:

    "An ecological method to control Desert Locust is with natural enemies. These include predatory and parasitic wasps and flies, predatory beetle larvae, birds, and reptiles. The downside is that they are easily overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of most swarms and bands if these were to be the only defense used in a serious outbreak. However, they can help poor farmers since they might change the direction the swarm is heading. Another old African method is by putting poisonous or aromatic plants next to the crop they are trying to protect.

    At present the primary method of controlling desert locust infestations is with organophosphate insecticides applied in small concentrated doses by vehicle-mounted and aerial sprayers. The insecticide must be applied directly to the insect. Control is undertaken by government agencies in locust affected countries or by specialised organisations like the Desert Locust Control Organisation for East Africa (DLCO-EA)."

  10. flame a unit from a pressurized hairspray can and bic the other thing is look at thier diet, and poison them. chk the dupont and atandard oil co as they manufacture these kinds of things. you'll love this!...see how God got rid of them in the time of moses, herd them into a shaft drilled into the earth filled with water and they drowned. actually seagulls will eat them, but not knowing where you are ...that answer is probably for the birds!

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