
How do I know Who Gets Acne?

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How do I know Who Gets Acne?




  1. Anyone is susceptible to getting acne.

    Hormones may be raging which can cause a imbalance in skin levels which causes pimples.

    And if you don't clean your face then you may get pimples.

    It might be heredity.

  2. i dont get ur q but most ppl w a shiny face gets acne

  3. Just about everyone gets acne.Things to look for is pore size and skin oil content. But it has been my experience that stress and drug use have everything to do with acne. If your on drugs, not just the illegal ones your more than likely to get acne due to the impurities comming out in your skin. The stress thing has a huge role in acne. School home life all those things will cause acne due to the increase in stress hormones which cause your body to react in a fight or flight mode and increases the cellular metabolism which in turn causes increase in metabolic waste which in turn causes the infection we call acne.

  4. Who Gets Acne?

    In simple terms just about all of us will get acne at some point in our lives but acne does tend to be a problem for different groups of people at different points in their lives.

    Acne arises when pores in the skin become blocked so that natural skin oil which is produced at the base of the hair follicles builds up together with dead skin cells to provide the perfect breeding ground for the acne bacterium. We also know that hormones play an important part in the production of skin oil and this provides us with a clue when it comes to looking at just when acne is most likely to develop.

    During our teenage years our hormone levels rise dramatically and this tends to start in girls at around the age of 11 and in boys at about the age of 13, the ages as which the both genders tend to enter puberty. This is the first point therefore at which we tend to develop acne.

    When it comes to hormone production during puberty boys tend to produce higher levels of androgen hormones than girls and, as a result, acne tends to be affect boys more than girls and boys often have not only more pimples but also more severe forms of acne. Across both genders about forty percent of all teenage acne will be severe enough to warrant treatment by a doctor or dermatologist.

    So, during our teenage years, and indeed up to the age of about 24, the incidence of acne in both girls and boys is roughly equal with boys tending to suffer slightly more than girls in terms of the severity of outbreaks. However, at this point the scales tend to tip in favor of men and acne thereafter becomes more of a problem for women.

    As women enter their regular monthly hormonal cycle acne tends to begin to follow this cycle and as many as half of all women will suffer from premenstrual related acne during their twenties and into their early thirties. However, this is not the end of the problem and from their mid-thirties through until the menopause the chance of experiencing an outbreak of acne during the monthly cycle tends to increase.

    One very important point to remember about acne is that despite these patterns acne can in fact appear in both genders at any ages and it is not uncommon to find acne in babies and in people over the age of fifty. It also affects people of all races and, although it is often thought to be more prevalent among Caucasians, it is found in all races including blacks, Hispanics, Asians and others.

    Fortunately today there are a wide range of cures for hormonal acne and most cases of acne can be treated very effectively with a range of over-the-counter medications.

    My neigbhour got her ance cured within three days through the information she got from this two sites


  5. By looking at their face.

  6. everyone gets acne

  7. A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

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