
How do I know a boy is flirting with me?

by  |  earlier

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I like this boy and i started to flirt with him but how d i know DAT he is doing the same? we started to date a couple of days ago and and we are only middle scholars (6th grade) so please help me and if i want him to give me a hug what do i gotta do? or maybe a kiss? PS we are only 12 so yeah we are both allowed t do DAT now he is my 1st boyfriend so give me a good answer i don't want to mess this up.




  1. well, you are pretty young but just be cool about it! ^_^ you could always go in for the hug first...! good luck!

  2. awwwwwwwww... first loves I remember this one!!! lol... the best way to do is just to do it like Nike!!! You want a hug move in for it I guarantee you he's not gonna pull away, the same for the kiss, wait until the moment is rite and move in for it! Good Luck!!

  3. 12 is still pretty young to date, I started at the age of 15 but to each their own opinion right? I'd suggest asking him out to the movies or having him at your place to watch a movie, and then see how he behaves. If he just sits their watching the movie without even making a move he's clearly showing no interest. But here is a few tips common to the male who flirts (I hope they help)

    "How to Know a Guy Is Flirting


    Watch for eye contact. Normally, this starts out from across a room or a park or wherever you two may happen to be. If he holds your attention for more than a brief, accidental moment, it’s a fair guess that he’s flirting. The telltale sign is if the eye contact is followed by a smile.


    Listen for him to pay you compliments. If he compliments your shoes or your hair, that’s a good sign that he's flirting. Those aren’t normal topics that men compliment others on, and this is a signal that he is paying closer attention to you than he does most other people.


    See if his attention is focused on you. If he ignores everyone else in the room just for your attention, that’s a sign he is knee-deep in flirting. If his head is on a swivel looking for his friends or checking out other people, chances are he isn’t flirting.


    Notice small touches as a sign. If he briefly puts his hand on yours when you tell a funny story or puts a hand on your shoulder when he asks if you want another drink, he is probably flirting with you.


    Think about whether he is paying extra attention to you specifically. If he’s asking personal questions and wanting more information about you, he is probably seeking a deeper connection and subsequently flirting."

    Hope these were of some help to you sweetie. Remember that most young boys are very sexually active so please take my advice with care and be careful of the signals you are giving off. Happy times in the dating scene....GOOD LUCK!

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