
How do I know how much to sale my purebred puppies for??

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I am breeding my two miniature pinschers and they are both registered. I don't want to over price them and i don't want to under price them either. Both of my dogs are show quality but have never been shown. I have looked on the internet and looked at prices that other people are selling them for and they are so scattered that i just don't know.




  1. Local adoption fee - maybe $300 or less. Sorry, but "show quality" means nothing if the dogs haven't been shown themselves. In order to price them higher than adoption fees or for more than $300 then you need to prove that they are prime examples of their breed - and the only way to do that is to show them.

    Have they been health tested? Good scores? Good temperaments (no fear, no fear biting, no aggression, etc?) You don't breed to make money, you breed to better your breed. A responsible breeder will barely break even.

  2. why are you breeding them if you are not a licensed breeder? 30,000 dogs are put to sleep every month in los angeles county alone! you have two so i'm guessing that you are a dog lover (or you at least like them). maybe you should do a little research or visit a shelter to see what people breeding dogs for money has created. you will be shocked and sickened.

    i don't mean to preach, but people need to be educated on this problem that seems to be getting worse every year and the animals can't speak for themselves. so please re-think your decision to breed them.

    Here is a few statistics:

    Number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year:

    8–10 million (HSUS estimate)

    Number of cats and dogs euthanized by shelters each year:

    4–5 million (HSUS estimate)

    An estimated 5 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters each year. That's one about every six and one half seconds.  (The Humane Society of the United States)  Millions more are abandoned, only to suffer from illness or injury before dying. (Doris Day Animal League)

    Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born.  As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals (Spay USA)

    The public acquires only 14% of its pets from shelters; 48% get their pets as strays, from friends, from animal rescuers, 38% get their pets from breeders or pet stores (The Humane Society of the United States)

    Over 56% of dogs and puppies entering shelters are killed, based on reports from over 1,055 facilities across America. (National Counsel on Pet Population Study)

  3. I would look at prices of my area of the same breed of dog that you're breeding and go about the same price. If they vary a lot then average it out or or just pick a price somewhere in between...  

  4. Charge what ever you think people will buy them for, speak to a registered breeder, as they may have a waiting list for this breed.

    My understanding is that dog breeding is an art not a science.


  5. countrygyrl4life87, I wish I had a a miniature pinscher.

  6. People will pay more for dogs that have actually been shown. A dog being 'show quality' but not shown is basically pointless in applying. Dog breeding takes years of experience to learn your breed, what to do in case of emergencies, and the related.

    If you are only doing this for the money, then I suggest you think about it again. Millions of dogs are in shelters and would love to have a home/need a home.

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