
How do I know if I'm Bipolar Disorder ?

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how do I know if I'am suffering from it. please help me I'm up and down its crazy how I feel.




  1. If you are anywhere between the ages of 12 and 20, it's very doubtful you are bi-polar. You're going through many physical, emotional and hormonal changes. Plus you have to adapt to new environments and new people every year. Plus the added stresses of trying to fit into a group, drugs, pressures about s*x and so much more. That's almost more than anyone can handle. Try and find some ways to relax, whether it's through sports, i.e. exercise, meditation, watching funny movies - whatever works for you. When you're finished high school, it's a whole new world. You'll get through it.

  2. talk to your docter let him diagnose wether you have a problem or one that needs medication and counceling. find a hobby or group of interest to you to give you something to focus on. concentrate on your studies and your abilties if you have an underleying disability or distraction of thought and irritablities you can have them analized and treated.

  3. When your as f*cking f*cked up as me  

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