
How do I know if I'm able to conceive?

by Guest57130  |  earlier

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I have one daughter and me and my spouse are trying to conceive and I haven't been successful. I don't know if it's me or my spouse. I'm kind of worried because it's been a year and 2 months almost everyday trying. What will my doctor do to check if I can?




  1. check your husband's sperm count

  2. he  will check your hubbys sperm count.your hormone level.test your bloods for chromosone abnormality.have a scan or camera in to see if your tubes are ok,check to see your blood isnt clotting too much.

    have you tried herbs to ttc.look at my profile for more info

  3. Go ahead and see your doctor. There are many fertility related problems that can be fixed. The doctor will check your hubby's sperm and will also check for conditions that you might have. PCOS, insulin resistance, your age, and other things can be checked for. Most couples do take at least one year to conceive and you only have about a 25% chance of success even if you are ovulating correctly and your hubby has a normal sperm count. If you haven't been charting your cycles to confirm ovulation, you should start now. Go to for free trial software to help you with this. They can help you know how to get started charting.

    Incidentally I've been diagnosed as insulin resistant and it took me 3 years to conceive my first child. The docs have meds that can definitely help. I was on femara, and hcg shot, and had previously tried clomid and metformin.

  4. have your spouse do a sperm count to see if he is fertile or not then you can talk with your doctor about options from there once you know the problem

  5. have you tried an opk to see when you are most fertile and have s*x every other day or everyday to try to cover all fertile days to improve the chance conceiving me and my spouse are trying too i hope God bless you  

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