
How do I know if I'm getting a Stimulus Check?

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How do you know? I filed my taxes last year, and I claimed 1 allowance on my W4 if that helps.




  1. What's on your W-4 doesn't matter.

    If you are NOT a dependent, you have a valid social security number and did not file a joint return with someone who has only an ITIN, and if you filed a 2007 tax return (the one filed in early 2008) with at least $3000 of qualifying income and less than $75K AGI  ($150K for a joint return), you are eligible for at least $300, and possibly as much as $600.  Qualifying income is income from working, or social security, or railroad retirement, or some VA benefits.

  2. If you filled taxes and got a refund you should be but to be sure you can check on the irs website. Im not sure but you can search. I think its (maybe)

  3. If you are not claimed as a dependent on someone else's return (your parents) and if you made more than $3000 last year. The checks are being mailed out based on the last two numbers of your social security number. Visit and there is a chart that should tell you an estimate of when you can expect it

  4.  where's my stimulus.  You must have your 2007 tax return to input info from your tax return and it will give you the amount you qualify and when to expect your rebate.

  5. Go to and check to see if you qualify. Then will send you a notice telling you when your check is coming if you do qualify. You need to have made less than 70,000 but more than 11,000.

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