
How do I know if I am introverted or extroverted?

by  |  earlier

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...I think I am both???




  1. If you need time alone to recharge and prefer something like reading to party's then your probably introvert, like me.

  2. Introversion and extroversion have little to do with shyness or party animal-ness.

    An introvert is someone who gains their energy internally.  An extrovert is someone who gains their energy externally.

    So partying may generally go with the extroverted persona however someone who dislikes party's but can't deal with being alone would be an extrovert as they get their energy from hanging out with their partner, family and close friends.

    A person may enjoy partying but have to spend the day alone to "prepare" alone...

  3. if you run around naked in public then you are definitely extroverted.

  4. No you are not. You are an extro. If you are an intro. you would not have accepted this dilemma and come out open with your question. The definitions of introversion and extroversion are general in nature and please avoid them for now. If you find some similarity to introversion in yourself, this will act as a stumbling block. You are an extrovert.

    Put this test to yourself. Be honest. After seeing my reply if you feel I have touched your weakspot and if you are prompted to ignore my answer and avoid taking decision on the best answer, well you can say that your introversion is more. On the other hand if you feel happy that somebody has encouraged you, although you realize that you are not an extro. then you can conclude that there are positive signs.

    Do not place too much reliance on these aspects and get on with your life. Many an introverts have excelled later in their lives.  

  5. I always made the general assumption that if you are on this website, you are an introvert! No joking, if you were to poll people on here I bet the majority would be introvert!

    If your not a big fan of large paties or lots of people then your probably an introvert.

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