
How do I know if I am leaking amniotic fluid?

by  |  earlier

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I know what discharge is and I have had that recently. But now when I wipe there is a clear fluid that isn't thick. I am wondering if it is amniotic fluid. Anyone experience this?




  1. My Friend had leaked amniotic fluid with her 2nd pregnancy and wasnt aware until her belly measurements didnt add up to what the doctor thought they should be at that time. He measured fluid level and sure enough it was really low and she was put on bed rest and had to do kick counts 3 times a day. He was born 6 weeks early and is now a healthy 7 year old. Dr usually will hospitilize you if fluid level is 5 or below and her's was at 6 for most of the 3rd trimester. If you are leaking fluid your doctor would know from measurements he takes every visit. So if you are concerned ask your doctor,  Otherwise I wouldnt be to concerned about it.

  2. it could be...kinda feels like you peed a little bit.

    i would go get check out to find out forsure...

  3. my ob said if I thought I was leaking fluid to put on a pad or painty liner wait 2 hrs and if I was wet to go to the hospital if not dont worry about and call her that day or next business day to come in for an apt ....hope that helped  

  4. it could be or maybe it is from your bladder because it is common to leak a little bit from there in the later stages of labour. see you midwife because if it is amniotic fluid there could be something wrong and you may have to be induced

  5. it could be. i had a pinhole rupture in my sac and i kept telling the midwife that i was leaking - but she insisted it was urine due the pressure on my bladder.

    3 weeks later, after intermittent leaking, i went into labour at midnight, at 8am my water *broke* it wasnt the gush i expected, but a trickle. so i went to the hospital. my BP, Temp etc, were all sky high so i had to be transferred from the midwife led unit i chose, to a consultant led unit 25miles away.

    after blood tests, it showed i did have a rupture, and it being left as long as it did caused infection. they gave me till 10pm that night to be fully dilated and ready to push, i wasnt and i had to have an emergency section due to slow progression of labour and increasing fetal distress.

    we had to stay in hospital for 5 days, as oppose to the normal 3 days for a section, as both myself and my baby were on antibitics. every 12 hours she was taken away to the special care baby unit to get IV antibiotics.

  6. That is a very good question.  I have that too.  I blow it off.  Probably shouldn't do that but I do.  Best of luck on your answers and I will be checking back to find out what people think.  Sorry I couldn't help.

  7. I have been having this clear leakage also.

    Im not sure what to think exactly.

    I was told pee cant be clear, but my husband said yes it can.

    Good luck on your answers. I also asked this last night. You can view my answers if it helps.

    34 weeks

    You know something, I measured my belly around last week and it was 41 inches and just now it was 39 inches... sooo now Im trying to get a hold of my mom (she works at the hospital)

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