
How do I know if I have tartar on my teeth?

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I've occasionally had a yellow build up on my teeth which I just dismissed as plaque as I've always been able to brush it away but now it's back and I can't seem to remove it all (it's lessening but hasn't gone).

Is it plaque or tartar, how do I remove it?

What's the best/correct way to brush teeth?




  1. There is a difference between tartar and plaque. Plaque is a colony of bacteria while tartar is deposition of minerals. There is a same cause of tartar and plaque that is poor dental hygiene.  Plaque is easier to remove than tartar, you usually have to go to the dentist and they scrape it off, it's a bit like cement!  

    Look at this link to see the best way to brush your teeth,

    There is also a good mouthwash to use to stop you getting tartar,

    I hope you get rid of this black stuff soon!

  2. plaque is invisible so it can't have been plaque.

    go to the dentist.

  3. For identification , see a dentisit

    for brushing horizontal brushing across your bottom and upper teeth inner and outer

    vertical flicks on the bottom and vertical flicks on the top part  inner and outer

    floss inbetween every teeth including the back (i know 's hard)

  4. You can feel tartar, if your teeth feel rough it's tartar. Ask for a polish next time you're at the dentist.

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