
How do I know if I still have feelings for an Ex? Even after many years have passed?

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How do I know if I still have feelings for an Ex? Even after many years have passed?




  1. You are asking this question. You think of that person and the good stuff and not the bad that separated you.

    Just a guess..

  2. Well if you are thinking of him. But remember there is a reason y he is youe ex.

  3. Every person we love in life, especially in the romantic sense will always be a part of us and good or bad, we will always have feelings for them.   We may think they are feelings of love, but more often they aren't.  

    A lot of times people tend to think about their ex loves under similar circumstances:  1.  They are in a relationship, but they are unhappy with the relationship for whatever reasion and 2.  They are unhappy and not in a relationship with anyone.  

    Our minds tend to romanticize past relationships and so we go back to the good feelings we had in our past relationships whenever we are having bad feelings in our present relationships or in our lives in general.  It starts with, "but what if...."  or "If only..."   or even "I wish..."  or "Why didn't I/he/we?/"''

    You do have feelings, but you probably aren't still in love.  Something is missing in your current life that is making you find solace in your past.  What you need to do is focus on your life, what is going on right now?  Are you unhappy in a relationship?  If so, why?  

    Are you not in a relationship and lonely as a result?  You need to do some soul searching, start by making a list of how you feel right now, a list of what you want out of your life and then a list of those things that can get you the life you want.  Learn to do things for yourself and to be happy alone.  Amazing things happen when people are whole and happy.  

    Life is linear and there is no going back.  The best thing that you can do is imagine that your Ex is very happy and is getting everything he ever wanted in life and that you deserve the same out of your life.  

    You need to let go of your past and to learn to accept your life as it is.  This is actually a pretty common phenomena that happens to people.  

  4. Well if your still flirting and hitting on them you probably aren't over it, especially if you get mad if you see them with a boyfriend or girlfriend and get jealous.

  5. ok not to be rude but they call a ex for a reson  

  6. sorry- if u could plzzzz temme wts an EX??????i guess i can help u then

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