
How do I know if Im pregnant?????

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I have been trying to get pregnant. I had very irregular periods so I went to my doctor. sometimes I only had two VERY heavy periods a year. So my doctor said to use birth control for 3 months to reset my cycle and then try to get pregnant because she said that If I am not having a period then I am most likely not ovulating. So I started birth control and on the 18th of every month I had a 5 day steady flow. and then it ended. I noticed when I ovulated because of the white yolky discharge one a month I would get. I just got off birth control and on july 14 I got a white discharge indicating I ovulated, knowing that my periods are irregular, I wasnt sure when I was supposed to get my period. I had s*x july 11,12,13,15,16,17 unprotected, and still havent gotten my period!! what are my chances of being pregnant? and should my period be back on track after BC??? help! TTC for 2 years!




  1. Has your doc tested you for PCOS?  It sounds like that's what you may have considering you only have about 2 periods per year.  If you have PCOS, BCP will not help you.  You will need metformin and probably clomid as well.  

    You should chart your temperatures (bbt) so you will know if and when you ovulate for sure.  I use because it's the easiest.  It's very accurate and since I've been charting I found out that I've only ovulated 7 times in 40 months.  I have PCOS, and I had to bring it up to my doctor because they didn't even think about testing me.  They just wanted to put me in BCP:(

  2. dayum thats alot of unprotected s*x there i bet you are pregnant already good luk=]

  3. time for a new Doctor. I have the exact same problems with my period. but my Doctor did not prescribe BC i receive progesterone pills to have a period and then clomid nduce ovulation. i got pregnant the very first month on the medication after two years of trying with no luck

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