
How do I know if a Pound currency note has been withdrawn?

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How do I know if a currency note has been withdrawn and does that mean it would have to be redeemed at a bank?




  1. Try spending it and you'll soon find out that the Bank of England £1 note is no longer legal tender, athough I'm not sure if Scotland still issue them. The Bank of England will give you some change but a high street bank will not.

  2. Scottish pound notes are still in use in Scotland, ie. Royal Bank of Scotland.  Not many around but they pop up from time to time.  I love them!!

  3. All Bank of England notes ever issued can be exchanged for current notes at the Bank of England itself, or sent by post with a Public Note Exchange Form at your own risk to

    Note Exchanges

    Counter Services

    Banking Services Group

    Bank of England

    Threadneedle Street


    EC2R 8AH

    Current Bank of England notes are £50 (John Houblon), £20 (Adam Smith), £20 (Edward Elgar), £10 (Charles Darwin), £5 (Elizabeth Fry), though I would expect the Elgar £20 to be withdrawn in the next year or so.

    The Bank of Scotland is currently in the process of replacing its Tercentenary Series (which say something like "1695-1995 300 years of service" on the bottom of the front side) with their new "Bridges of Scotland" series, so if you've got any of the old BoS notes, now's the time to exchange them.

  4. In Scotland the following are licensed to print local notes

    Royal Bank of Scotland

    Clydesdale Bank

    Bank of Scotland

    And in Ulster

    Bank of Ireland

    First Trust Bank

    Northern Bank

    Ulster Bank

    These notes can be accepted as payment but you can refuse to accept them outside of the relevent territories.

    Banks in Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man also produce notes but these have to be changed at the bank and will attract a handling fee.

  5. There no £1 notes anymore they are all coin. Which note did you mean?

  6. The pound note HAS been withdrawn for some time but Banks will still accept them at face value.

  7. Well you could just describe it to us. What is the value of it and who is the picture of on the back of it?

    The following Bank of England notes are still valid currency:

    £50 - John Houblon

    £20 - Adam Smith

    £20 - Edward Elgar

    £10 - Charles Darwin

    £5 - Elizabeth Fry

    If you have any other Bank of England notes with pictures of other people on, it is no longer valid currency and you might not even be able to change it in a bank.

    If you have a Scottish note then I can't help ya.

  8. You could just take it in a bank next time you are passing one and ask.

  9. Look at the date on it. Here are the current notes:

    which shows both £20 - we've recently had a new design, but both are currently accepted. If your note isn't there (i.e. a £1 note - they don't exist any more) then yes, you will have to go to a bank who will probably be able to exchange it.

    EDIT: OK, in the place where I work, we accept £50s all the time, they haven't been withdrawn. Check my website and see if it looks like the one you have.

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