
How do I know if becoming a teacher is right for me?

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I am a 29 year old wife and stay at home mother of two. I have been doing hair for 8 years and massage therapy for 2 My husband has finally scored the job of his dreams and I feel like time is slipping away. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up !!! I jumped into the other careers to make ends meet. Now we are at the position to really allow me to find myself, but I don’t know how? I like to be independent, with some type of structure, make since? Am I wrong in thinking teaching will give me the flexibility to be creative and independent with some guidelines? I know I want to work with children who are a bit more independent, but not too “grown!” I’m thinking third or forth grade. Help!!! Any advice?




  1. Ok... I think that at this point in your life you should major in whatever you should major in your favorite subject. No matter what it is that interests you, go for it. After you study whatever you like you can always take the classes you need to teach and that's it.  

  2. Younger children are better to work with.  I have a lot of educators in my family, mostly college/highschool.  A lot of grown kids give them major problems and some parents just don't help.  The longevity of teaching and rewards are great. Third or fourth grade is a good choice.  Good luck...

  3. Teachers are in great demand in the South.  There are not enough to go around.  Working with the younger grades does allow for more freedom.  It does provide summers off in some states and the holidays too.  The main thing that you need to think about is the amount of time that you are going to have to put into teaching.  Many believe that teachers just go to school teach and then go home when the kids leave.  This is sooo not true,  I am a high school teacher and I put in 10 hour days during the school year.  The question is are you going to be able to put forth the effort?  if so, then go for it.  

  4. Don't teach middle school! Those kids are the most difficult to get through to, especially 8th graders.  Go younger or older.  

  5. Sorry, but I'm with Travis > I did see an HBO special though that might be of interest to you.  They did a documentary on Frederick Douglass High in Baltimore, MD.  It's so bad there that two-thirds of the teachers are not certified to teach.  So, that's the only teaching job I'm aware of.

    I used to sub as a certified teacher due to not finding a job > until I found out sub janitors were making more than me .

    I'd consider alternative employment opportunities.

  6. I thought the same thing when I went to school to be a teacher

    here's the truth

    nobody needs teachers, out of my graduating class of 31 students only 2 have jobs, everyone else is a substitute or gave up on teaching.  I read power meters....

    If you do get your own classroom, its 12-14 hour days doing everything that needs to be done and kissing *** 24-7; dont like it? principal will fire you because theres 600 other people applying for your job the minute you're gone.

    Teaching is nothing at all like I thought it was going to be.

    My advice is find another field to study

    I wish I had, maybe mathematics...

  7. I think you should go to college and major in whatever interests you.  If you still want to be a teacher after stewing about it for a few years then take some education classes.  You'll learn about your job market soon enough.

    I love teaching.  After reading some of the answers here, I guess people make documentaries about bad teaching experiences and movies about good ones.

  8. are you willing to go to college and study for 5 years?  do you enjoy working with children?  have you the guts to control a group of 40 of the little monsters?  it takes commitment and gumption because they can have you for lunch.  but don't let me discourage you . . . the world really needs dedicated teachers.

  9. I read what the others had to say and this is my advice to you.  Alot of people say "I love kids", but the first time a child is disobedient, they loose it and are ready to quit.  The best advice someone gave me was "Don't allow a child to control you."  If you allow a child to make you so mad that you can't think or see straight and you loose your cool  (it happens everyday) YOUR THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM. That takes GROWTH!  

    Visit your local school, see what goes on in the classroom. The pros and cons.  Find a teacher that you can be real with and be real with your self.  It's not too late to go to college, (especially if you don't have to work) The lady was right there is a teacher shortage in the South, but all schools are not bad.  IT'S WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!!! NOT US.  I was like that too.  I did what everybody else thought I should do.  Don't be afraid to step out and do somthing for you.  Good luck.

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