
How do I know if my Netherland Dwarf is pregnant.?

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We let our male and female bunnies in together and the male jumped on top of the female and started mating with her. After about a minute and a half he stopped and started preening her. Will she be pregnant even though he is 5 or 6 months old and she is 2.5 years old? When I go into her cage she starts squeaking and won't let me pick her up. Also we tried putting them in the same cage and she started squeaking at our male rabbit! Is she pregnant?




  1. She most likely is pregnant. At about 10 days after you tried the first time, you should put the buck back in with the doe. If she is pregnant, they she will not let him mount her and will be kinda jump or territorial. If she is not pregnant, then she will let him breed with her again.  

  2. I believe it is pregnant because age diffrence doesnt matter.I got my kittie and she was pregnant at 3 months

  3. Why would you even let them be together in the first place!? They should be spayed and neutered, don't contribute to more homeless rabbits just because you don't care that you'll have a new litter. Also, Why would you watch him mating with her for a minute and a half? You should have separated them and put the male back in to his cage.

    I'm pretty sure males can get females pregnant at about 4 months.. That's what I was told at least, I'm not sure if it's true though. But I know if he's 6 months he can.

    Also. Most rabbits don't enjoy being picked up. it scares them and they're very fragile.. So stop trying to pick her up, she's terrified of you and thinks you're going to eat her.

    Annndd.. Why Would You Put Them Back In The Same Cage!? That's -so- irresponsible. If you're just going to do that, you probably shouldn't be having rabbits at all.[And another thing. Who cares if she's delivered before? You shouldn't just let her have litter after litter after litter for the rest of her life just because you think it's a good idea to put her with an unaltered male].

    Keep them seperate and take her to the vet in a couple of days.

  4. with the ages, she CAN be pregnant.

    Small breed rabbits can start to breed at only 5 months.

    After 10-14 days, feel her lower stomach and feel for something the size of marbles. If you feel them, shes pregnant.

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