
How do I know if my friends are taking advantage of me?

by  |  earlier

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First, let me say that I am in a financially superior position to them all.

They hang out at my house, the litter their stuff on the coffee table, they eat all my snacks and drink all my drinks... and they NEVER reciprocate because they conveniently live with their parents.

Am I being taken advantage of? If I'm not, how can I know in the future if I am?




  1. ur friends do not sound like true friends. u really need to find a new set. it's ok tho. start setting rules: IT IS UR OWN HOME, don't let anyone in & let them break them. i've not really been there but i can empathize i guess. it's not fair. u sound like ur a really good person & it's not true what they say about people with money, from what i get from this question. i always thought people with a lil more money usually only thought of themselves. it's wonderful to know tthere are still gr8 people out there.  

  2. Yes you are. The best way to know is whether or not they reciprocate, like you said. If it is one sided, then that is the indicator.

    Find new friends, they sound like bums...

  3. keep being the nice guy , then tell em im having an issue , my balls itch and i have no nails , who wants to scratch em for me ,  lmao , ok seriously anyone with any common sence knows when they are being used

  4. You will soon be fleeced and loose all your money.Your friends thought your kindness is your weakness and will stick to you like a glue so long as they can get free ride. Ignore those friends and make some rules so that your life become better.

  5. Sometimes, you have to tell your friends that they cannot stay at your house. They may develop the thinking that they can just hang out there, eat and mess around because you allow them to do so. Maybe because you keep on allowing them to always be there, they sort of become unconscious of the fact that it may be too much on your part.

    I suggest you set some boundaries so that if ever they stay at your house, they would know how to at least respect it which also means respecting you because you live there.

    To know if you're being abused of your kindness, see if people keep on asking the same things from you. See if they're already asking too much from you that they end up disregarding your personal feelings (what you may think of) just to get what they want.

    Usually, when you're just being used by so-called friends, they are only there for you at your highest point but they're nowhere to be found when you're down. When you're the one in need, they refuse to help or worse, they pretend not to care or hear anything from you which is very cruel.

    These are  the usual observations I saw from having a classmate who's rich and seeing people who don't even like him and make fun of him when he's not looking, and still be thick to be there when they hear he's inviting people for a party and other things.  

  6. sounds like everyone i know!

    its common, but! next time let them know they can not eat or drink anything unless they bring there own stuff and see if they keep coming to your house. that would be a sure way to tell.

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