
How do I know if my horse has a skin infection or its just fly bites?

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I have a 12 y.o. mare that we originally thought just had fly bites. But now it is getting worse. She has it on her face, neck, shoulders, and some on her belly. Is it just bad fly bites because of the heat or could it be something more? Some spots are scabby and some are just hairless. She doesn't seem to be in pain or anything.




  1. Usually fly bites will just be raised bumps on their body...they shouldn't be missing hair. It sounds like she has something else going on.  If its really patchy looking, it could be a fungus.  You can buy a fungus treatment that you can put in a spray bottle, and treat the area.  Look at the skin, is it healthy or flakey?  If its flakey, she could have really dry skin, causing some hair loss.  Is her hair really oily feeling?  Then it could be fungus or something along those lines.

  2. if it is looking like a big bite, it most likey is. My mare would get huge bites that looked like they were full of puss and lossing hair. She was rubbing the hair off not lossing it and she would rub things into the wound.

    Swat or Blue-Coat applied to the area will clear it up in no time if it's flies. She could definatly be rubbing and scratching them making them worse. A good fly spray every day and a cool bath can reduce swelling on the really bad ones.

    If this doesn't work and the hairless patch is spreading, or you can pull her hair out in chunks then it can be an infection or some (not common) worms. If she is due for a worming, do it. If not bathes with Iodine shampoo can clear it up if it's fungal.

    If all else fails the vet is needed. But I have never had something that can't be cleared up with one of the above. If it is an infection, walk the pastures and stalls, makes sure they are all safe and ask the vet where it make have come from

    hope she gets better

  3. I would deff. call the vet for anything that is becoming that worrisome

  4. Oh, lordy sounds like your mare has the exact same thing my 2 yr old filly has.  My filly is allergic to flies and mosquitoes, so her skin breaks out just like that all over her face, neck and shoulders.  Your mare may be allergic to fly bites or just has a skin condition due to heat and bugs.  Either way, it doesn't put her in any pain, but she will get extremely itchy.  This will make them rub their mane and tail excessively.

    I'd suggest getting a vet out to check it out.  We bathe my filly with a special antifungal shampoo and have her on a skin supplement.  This may be what you have to do with your mare.  Generally, I think just grooming her and bathing her routinely helps out with her skin.  Make sure you fly spray her as OFTEN as possible.  Also, how long is she turned out in the pasture? Have you been getting a lot of rain? If you have, and the grass is very green and long, this could be adding a lot of sugar to her diet.  Bugs will bite her a lot more because of this.  So, whatever you're feeding her, I would try and make it so that there isn't a lot of sugar in it.  For example, I wouldn't give her sweet feed due to the molasses in it.  My filly is just on crimped oats, minerals,, and TNA/peanut hay.

    If anything, have the vet come out and look at her.  Good luck, I hope this helps.

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