
How do I know if my nose piercing is infected?

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I got my nose pierced three days ago. For the past two mornings when I wake up, the piercing looks scabbed over and looks like it has sunken into the hole where it got pierced. When I try to push it up and clean it, it bleeds. Is this normal or could there be an infection?




  1. thats normal if you pierced it yourself, which you shouldnt do

    i was use vaseline on it at night

    or use infection alchol on it and it should be fine  

  2. Sounds like what most piercings do. The scabbing is just dried bloods and fluid. If it didn't escape somehow, it would stay inside and you would bruise and get a blood blister (happened to me when they put in jewellry too big for my hole)...

    The sinking in thing happens alot because your nose swells. Just keep pushing it out, i know its gross, but happens to alot of piercings. Just be glad its not in your mouth because the skin grows ALOT faster there, and your actually have to pick the layer of skin off or it will grow out through your lip.

    So just keep pushing it out.. If you cant, its because the bar is too short.. in which case you will need to get a longer one and have it changed, or else it will get more and more and more irritated until it DOES get infected.

    Sounds normal, will likely be like that for a week or two.. if it starts getting green pus or swelling ALOT or doesnt get better in like 2 weeks head back to the peircer and see what they can do. But it sounds like alot of my piercings.  

  3. I also pierced my nose (more than once) and it was always a little swollen so I wouldn't be worried about it. Just keep cleaning it on the inside and the outside at least twice a day. It takes up to 8 weeks for a nose piercing to completely heal.

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