
How do I know if my stitches are coming gout?

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Okay so I had three molars out today, and I noticed now that there's a little bit of the stitch hanging down. I don't know if it was like that before. Does this mean that it's coming out?!??? Is there a possibility of this happening? Would something bad happen if it came out after only one day? Could it be because I'm trying, very gently, to have some mashed potatoes? Should I stick to juice still, or what? I'm scared.




  1. On days one and two you are not supposed to eat any hot foods, you are supposed to stick to cold soft foods such as yogurt or pudding. You shouldnt drink through straws either. It could be that you are opening your mouth too wide which can rip the stitch because it is stitched to the insid of your cheek. There is also the possibility that the surgeon did not cut the string very short. Just don't mess with it or poke and prod at it. It should be fine

  2. Idk Ive had 5 total teeth pulled in the last week and a half and didnt have stitched for any of them. they are healing completly opened.

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