
How do I know if some one is tapping into my computer?

by Guest44773  |  earlier

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I logged on to my bank once then I got this email with a fake background of my bans and it wanted all my info

I ddidn'ttype it in I called my bank they think that because I logged in once to my bank that some how they saw what bank I deal with any way to know if some one is tapped into my computor




  1. These phishing e-mails are sent to random people, they did not target you in general, they try it on everybody. Don't trust these e-mails simply delete them.

  2. It's called phishing.

    Just a co-incidence that it was from your bank.

    If they are tapped in, they have your passwords. They don't so, no big deal.

    Millions of these get emailed out every hour.

  3. Run a spyware/adware scan...

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